Let's Talk About the Double B Clichés

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⬆ Don't mind the long title. It's trash. :P The real title of this chapter is gonna be PLOT. Explained below. ⬇

Let me break these clichés down. There are so many freaking clichés that surround the bad-boy-good-girl storyline that it's cliché to even rant about them. So let me switch things a little bit.

I'm gonna split these bad-boy-good-girl clichés into subsections (you know, like the small red subtitles after a gigantic bold blue section title in those history/science textbooks.) Each section will include my thoughts on each cliché and what can be done to avoid clichés becoming too predictable, if that's even possible.

Anyway, the sections are as follows:


So, buckle up, folks! This is going to be one heck of a long ride! Imma starting with the plot then making individual chapters for the rest because it's way too much for me to just put them into one.


(In Vanoss's style): AAAALLLLLRIIIIGHT!

Let's get things started with this rant. So, a typical bad boy good girl plot involves a shy and reserved nerdy girl who meets an infuriatingly hot bad boy. I'm gonna stick with this because if I talk about all the cliché plots out there, this is never going to end. (Things like werewolves, vampires, CEOs, etc. will be reserved for another day. This one's focused on high school.)

Now there are a few variations of the bad boy character, but I believe that the bulk majority of them are so hawt and sexy that every single girl who sees him wants him. Except, of course, the good girl.

Usually, the good girl hates the bad boy's guts and that sets her apart from all the other shallow gals in her school. This is usually the reason the bad boy falls for her. She's not like the rest of the girls who only like him because of his looks.

So, there's a positive underlying message there. The bad boy likes the good girl because she likes or dislikes him for who he is and not for how he physically looks. This could work in a story to spread the important message of being yourself.

However, there are a few problems with this clichéd plot line. For one, even though it is a positive message that could be sent via the character's developing relationship, there is always the annoying part where the girl is gorgeous even though she's supposed to be an ugly "nerd" with oversized glasses.

(⬆New record for my longest sentence. Sorry, guys. 😥)

Ergo, looks matter.

This is where the line blurs between a potentially powerful, albeit cliché, story and a shallow romance filled with boring relationships. And don't even get me started on some of the back stories these characters have. Abusive parents, nonexistent parents, dead parents. Why do they always have to be tragic? I'll be dedicating a future chapter to abusive relationships, so I'm not going to go into detail here, but really? Why would you do that to your characters? Is there really no other way to make them sympathetic to the readers? If this is the case, then they are shallow characters that can be shredded by a freaking piece of paper.

Don't even get me started on love triangles, or even freaking reverse harems. I honestly don't know where I'm going with this rant, and I always find it easier to break it down, so here goes. The subpoints of the subpoint.


Where to even start with this one? Okay, so there are just so many things wrong with this. I don't think any responsible parent would send their only daughter to live in a house full of guys, no matter how much trust there is between the families. My mom would never let me go on a sleepover if my friend had more than one brother, let alone a house filled with guys. Then again, there doesn't seem to be any responsible parents in Wattpad, so I guess my point is invalid. 😒

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