Weak Heroines are NOT CUTE Pt. 2

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Before we get started, I wanted to give a shoutout to FluffgTuffy and _tulipathetic_ for the hilarious comments in the previous chapter. Seriously, you guys crack me up.

  ⬆(Me when I read your comments) 

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(Me when I read your comments) 

Now let's get into the rant. This is going to be a rough ride.


This is a continuation of the previous chapter, wherein I was not able to rant about the annoying male protagonists in the book and what I hate about cliché romantic interests. Let's get started.


Starting with Don since he had the most screentime with Tessa. I don't like him and Jarred. You know, I've already mentioned that these two are cardboard cutouts of each other, so I'll grind into their individual actions and gloss over their personalities.

 You know, I've already mentioned that these two are cardboard cutouts of each other, so I'll grind into their individual actions and gloss over their personalities

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⬆(Pfft! Personality)

Sorry. Ahem.

Don is first introduced as a character who "lost himself," so to speak. Apparently, he hadn't been outside for ages and has a bit of a temper issue that couldn't be tamed until he met little ol' Tessa. Because of course he would.

Anyway, I've talked about how Don sexually harasses Tessa in the previous chapter, so I'll skip on to the parts I hadn't talked about.

I hate Don because he thinks he owns Tessa. The way he ordered her to stay away from every other man like they were dating or something just ticks me off. You know, it's not a healthy relationship even if they were dating because he'd be basically one of those abusive guys that like to have full control over their girlfriends.

I don't know why Don thinks he has the right to act on his jealousy towards Tessa because she doesn't belong to him. He feels compelled to control her every movement, and it is really annoying to read when the author is trying to pull this off as being "hawt."

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