Werewolves are Cliché Pt. 1

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Since listing is one of my favourite things to do, I'll list out each cliché werewolf plot and give you my thoughts on them.

All werewolf books in Wattpad revolve around romance. Not once have I seen a werewolf book that does not have the main conflict being a romantic one. That said, there are different clichéd plots that surround these werewolf romances.


Need I say anything more?

This typically happens in high school when Tessa turns a specific age (usually 18) that tells her instincts who her mate is. Lo and behold, nine times out of ten, her mate is the bad boy Alpha/Alpha's son, Tyler.

And what does this mature and responsible bad boy do? He rejects his mate for the pack "slut," Sasha, or Tessa's other rival who's not a slut, Tiffany. 

(BTW, Tiffany is basically Sasha, only she's more "refined," meaning she's only got eyes for the Alpha and not for every boy in the world.)

So, Tessa, because she's heartbroken, decides to move away from the pack. Okay. I can go along with it up till here. It makes sense since she'd want to be away from the humiliation of public rejection. Even though, there are a few problems with this, which I'll list after I finish this overview of the plot.

Anyway, Tessa takes the logical step by moving away to steer clear of the guy who broke her heart despite the fact that they never interacted prior to this.

Then what does she do?

Instead of being sensible and trying to move on from this breakup like a normal person would, she falls into becoming a borderline psycho ex-girlfriend who returns with a vengeance.

She goes off to college, blah blah blah. Clearly, this part of the story isn't important because the author usually skips straight ahead to her coming back to the wolf pack as an irresistibly sexy chick with bust in all the right places.

She now has the attention of the whole pack. The males (not men because they are animals 😑) of the pack have their eyes bulging out at how gorgeous she's become, even though there are girls of her caliber present in the pack at the same time.

Tyler sees Tessa and if the author is trying to be extra cliché, he gets his own POV describing how beautiful she's become and how he must try to stay away from her because he rejected her. Already, he's breaking down the wall of rejection just by her return. You see where I'm going with this incredibly cliché plot?

Anyway, so, there's a lot of conflict between the two. Tyler, for some reason, EVEN THOUGH HE REJECTED HER, is the one following Tessa around like a stalker and trying to get her attention. Then the author throws in some BS about the attraction of the mate bond or whatever to create sexual tension.

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