Sorry I'm a Grammar Nazi

245 20 27

Do you know what pisses me off the most when I'm reading a story?

No, not a boring plot.

No, not the overly annoying Mary Sue.

No, not even the stale, cardboard bad boy male.

It's grammar. To be more specific, horrible grammar where people completely miss the spelling or misuse a word because of homophones or Put RaNdoM CapItaLs All oVer tHe plAcE.

There's nothing like reading a book about crappy romance and seeing the author use "then" instead of "than" when comparing something or using "than" instead of "then" to move the story along to the next scene.

So, since I'm such a nice person *cough* I decided to give you guys a FREE grammar lesson! Yay!

So, since I'm such a nice person *cough* I decided to give you guys a FREE grammar lesson! Yay!

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⬆ (Not)

Honestly, grammar is boring for me, so I don't really like talking about it. Still, I think it's important to follow the rules of grammar. Call me a nerd, but grammar was the easiest subject to learn in school for me, so I get all iffy when I read a book -- no matter how good -- with bad grammar. 

So, instead of giving you guys a boring lesson, I'll just list the ones that I seethe seeing when they're mixed up. 

Here are some common grammar mistakes:

🔘 There vs Their vs They're (Kill me)

🔘 Rogue vs Rouge (<-- Already talked about this before)

🔘 Your vs You're

🔘 Then vs Than ⤵

🔘 Affect vs Effect (Tip: Affect is a verb because it's an action and they both start with the letter A

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🔘 Affect vs Effect (Tip: Affect is a verb because it's an action and they both start with the letter A. Effect is a noun that means a result of something. The end of what happened. They both start with E. This is how I remember them.)

🔘 Accept vs Except

🔘 Except vs Expect

🔘 Using "I" as an object pronoun and using "me" as a subject pronoun (<-- Let me explain below)

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