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I have already touched on it before. I have a freaking chapter that is already dedicated to this annoying crap, but it still annoys me to no end, and so I'm here complaining about the exact same thing that annoyed me weeks ago!

This is getting so freaking annoying that I'm on the verge of unfollowing every freaking profile on my profile!

This is getting so freaking annoying that I'm on the verge of unfollowing every freaking profile on my profile!

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You don't know how annoying this is. This is my reaction whenever I get these unnecessary notifications:

"Oh, let me log into Wattpad and see if anything is going on. What? I have like ten new notifications? How exciting! Maybe it's a book I've been dying to read finally being updated! Or maybe someone's decided to check out my own books!"

You have 31654684351321 new announcements


😑 "Of course it's only the FREAKING profiles going haywire with this new ANNOYING feature of spamming their followers! OF COURSE!!!!"


I hate this new feature. As Wattpad updates more, it only becomes a platform filled with annoying ads and useless features. Kinda like YouTube.

Update: So, Wattpad has finally decided to tone down this new feature by clumping them as announcements and limiting the amount of times people can post every day. THANK YOU! You don't know how annoyed I am by endless amounts of useless notifications.

Anyway, so I went on the News & Updates book by Wattpad and found that there were more than than a few people annoyed by the limited amount of times they can spam their followers. Like, really?

Look, I'm not attacking anyone, and I get that you like the fact that you can interact with your followers more. But do you honestly think your followers would appreciate getting like 10 messages from every profile they follow about how thankful you are that you reached a milestone or how great the day is going?

Even when clogged down to three notification posts per profile per day, you can still be drowned by profiles if you're following like a gazillion of them. I'm just saying that it's better that Wattpad decided to tone it down with the spamming, even though I still would rather have a button to turn all of it off.

Also, with the topic of ads, do you know what's more annoying than having a stupid ad pop up after every two chapters of reading?

Also, with the topic of ads, do you know what's more annoying than having a stupid ad pop up after every two chapters of reading?

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Promoted ads that buffer. 

I'm like, "Hello! Wattpad! Excuse me, but I'm trying to read here. Can you, like, get away with all your stupid promoted ads. I'm not even interested, and you just took me out of a brilliant story. Thanks. Now I don't feel like reading anymore. Sorry, authors. It's not you, it's Wattpad. I'm freaking done!"

This is the equivalent to watching an action-packed movie only to have a freaking Pringles ad pop up right when the main character is about to die. Then all the suspense the producers built up with brilliant story-telling just dies with the main character, and the audience is booing. Like seriously. Just stop. Please.

I'm done.


I Don't Even Know (Wattpad Rants)Where stories live. Discover now