YouTube Rant

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Hey guys. I know I haven't updated in a while and this isn't really a Wattpad rant, but I really need to get this off my chest.

This will be a YouTube rant and I really just can't with them.

YouTube sucks so much right now, and I am so mad at them. I attached a video of what I'll be talking about above. You can watch it before or after this rant. It doesn't really matter.

So, I've been keeping this boiling in my salt cauldron ever since NerdEcrafter (our SALT queen; go check her out. I love her so much. :3) was taken advantage of. Ever since then, so many YouTubers have been taken advantage of by corporate businesses or just general idiots who think they can get away with stealing money from other people's hard work.

Let me break it down for some of you people who might not know what I'm talking about.

YouTube probably has THE WORST maintenance for copyright issues. For once, Wattpad has the upper hand here. At least on this platform, the people from HQ take it into their own hands when someone reports a copyright issue, so it's extremely difficult to get away with stealing other people's work.

In YouTube, however, copyright claims can be thrown out left and right, and the people who work in YouTube will do absolutely NOTHING about it, allowing people who steal money to have the upper hand. So, this is how it basically works.

1. YouTuber uses a clip from another channel in order to comment/critique/discuss/parody/etc. It abides by the YouTube copyright terms because essentially, the YouTuber is adding themselves into that video, thus making it legal for them to use it. (This is how CinemaSins can show movies while they critique and music covers can be made).

2. Another YouTuber (Doesn't even have to be a YTuber like the guy from the video above) sees that their content have been used and claims the video as their own. Or, they don't even have to use a video with their content. It could be the YTuber's original video that still gets claimed. 😑 

In NerdEcrafter's case, this was because the big YTuber didn't like what she was doing with their content (parodying it). Basically, anyone who sees another YTuber making fun of them and gets offended can then claim that video and make money off of that video's success.

3. YouTuber disputes the claim with video claimer. In 30 days, the video claimer can either reject the dispute or repeal the claim.

4. Video claimer rejects the dispute. If YouTuber insists on disputing the claim again and is rejected once more, they will get a copyright strike. Their hands will be tied because they don't want to risk their whole career.

5. YouTuber asks the people from YouTube for help and gets this reply: "Sorry, but this is between you and the other YouTuber. We won't step in even if it's clear who's in the wrong. Sorry, and bye! :P"

Okay, so maybe I exaggerated a bit, but that's essentially how the poor YouTuber who's experiencing this is probably feeling

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Okay, so maybe I exaggerated a bit, but that's essentially how the poor YouTuber who's experiencing this is probably feeling. The person who claimed the video has the upper hand in every way, and it's so easy to just go and claim a video, especially if it's a corporate YT channel or a big YTuber with millions of subs. Luckily, salt grains asked the big channel who claimed Jackie's (NerdE's name) video to give her back her video, and the big channel complied.

You get why I'm so freaking mad? This is the YouTuber's livelihood, and yet someone who does absolutely nothing can just take their money away without doing the hard work. It drives me insane how people can do that. How could you be so rude?

This is basically like taking someone's story here on Wattpad and getting the views and popularity. If the original author asks you to take it down, you can just say no, and you might actually be able to kick the author off the platform by stealing his/her work.


⬆ (This makes me so ANGRY!)

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⬆ (This makes me so ANGRY!)

YouTube really needs to get their sh*t together because they are not doing anything to stop people from abusing the ridiculous terms. I feel so bad for YTubers who experience this, especially when it's a hard-working person like Jackie, or the FatRat who makes his own music. This stuff shouldn't happen people. Honestly.

Anyway, I'm not an expert in this field, but I've seen enough people experience this to know what's happening. 

I recommend you watch the video I linked on YT because he has a petition that may be able to help YTubers in the long run by asking HQ to step in when things like this happens. It's just unfair.

Well, that's that. It wasn't a Wattpad rant, but it fueled the salt enough for me to finally let it out. I am so done right now. In the meantime, if any of my babies (heh) is going through this, I'll be doing whatever I can to support them.

Bye, now!

Bye, now!

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