My Issue with the New(er) Werewolves (of Wattpad)

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So, I've been MIA for quite a while, but I have been checking in on Wattpad once in a while. I checked in today and noticed a new addition to Wattpad.

 I checked in today and noticed a new addition to Wattpad

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When I first saw this, I got a little bit excited. Werewolves are one of the classic monsters commonly used for Halloween (one of my faves), so I thought Wattpad might have gone a bit traditional and was talking about the monstrously beautiful horror that werewolves personify. The monster within humans, the primal part of us that goes feral and goes against the very essence of humanity.

But what do I get?

⬆ (Don't even ask)

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⬆ (Don't even ask)

I mean, to be fair it is my fault for having such high expectations. With the way the werewolf genre blew up on Wattpad, I have no idea why I was expecting anything other than shite romance with hot dudes that can turn into massive wolves. 

Nothing scary there. Wolves are adorable even if they are ferocious. Werewolves are hideous and that's by design. They're monsters, a mashup of man and wolf. They're supposed to be ugly and uncanny.

Anyway, when I clicked on that banner, it sent me straight to a chapter on Wattpad's very own Community Happenings book with a description that I completely disagree with.

Now, this rant is going to be structured a bit differently. I'm going to go through what Wattpad wrote in that chapter and give my counter arguments/opinions on why I disagree. Basically, it'll be similar to my reviews, only this time it's going to be focused more on my subjective opinions rather than critiquing how they could have made it better.

So, before we start, I'm going to add in a few disclaimers here.

🔵 First and foremost, as I have mentioned before, this is my opinion. It's okay if you disagree. I'm simply talking about my personal preference of werewolves rather than telling you how werewolves should be written.

🔵 This kind of ties into the previous point, but I don't have anything against people who like werewolf romance nor do I hate anyone who writes werewolves in my least favourite way. This is a rant book filled with my (honestly insignificant) opinions, not a book where I preach about what should and shouldn't exist. It's for fun. Not serious. I honestly don't really care if you write werewolf fic or not. I'm just lamenting the fact that I can't find my favourite werewolves in a mountain of romances.

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