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So this is a little deviation from the usual cliché bashing, annoying ranting that we've all become accustomed to here, but I figured a little positivity here and there would be pretty nice.

Though, as a side note, Wattpad completely screwed up this chapter and I lost everything I previously wrote, so thanks a lot, you stupid piece of crap. Like SERIOUSLY, can't I just get ONE positive chapter out without something trying to annoy the hell out of me? 

It's like anything nice is not welcome in this book. Get yourself together, Wattpad. I want all my praises and reasons for liking this book back because now I'm too annoyed to even be happy.

 I want all my praises and reasons for liking this book back because now I'm too annoyed to even be happy

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That said, I will still try to be as happy as I previously was about this as possible. Let's get on to what I'm SOOO EXCITED to share with you guys! :D

I found this AMAZING book that I think everyone should give a read. It's not  a Wattpad book, unfortunately, but it is a novel that I could not put down until I ate up the last chapter.

Like, seriously, the plot moves along so smoothly without any lag or any boring filler. Every single scene is filled with something interesting going on, and I imagine writing like this would be a dream for a majority of us.

What book am I talking about? Heh. I'm glad you asked!

The book that I absolutely adore (it had no trouble making it's way up on my favourite books list) is called The Watchmaker's Daughter by C. J. Archer.

I already shared it on my announcement board, but I thought it deserved more publicity than the few followers I had (most of which probably don't even bother to read, anyway).

Honestly, I just need someone to fan over this book with me, so if you do decide to read it (and you love it as much as I did), PM me so we can gush over it together!  

You can find this book for FREE in the Google Play store under the books section. Unfortunately, it is part of a series where you have to pay for the sequels, but it is still an amazing stand alone on its own, so don't let that deter you. Also, I'm not sure if it's available in IOS, so sorry to all you Iphone/Apple users who might have wanted to read this. Still see if you can check the store on there, because I am not familiar with how it works on Apple.

I cannot express how much I adore this book. It is supposed to be a romance book, BUT don't let that scare you away. This is coming from someone who does NOT enjoy romance, and this book had an effect on me that very few ever had.

Before I go into it, let me at least give you a premise of the story.

The book is set in Victorian era London following India Steele, a watchmaker's daughter (obviously), who is helping Matthew Glass by searching for a specific watchmaker for reasons he would rather keep to himself. (The mystery is gripping and OMG, I CANNOT get enough of these two even when they aren't doing anything even remotely romantic! [You see what this book did to me? This is coming from someone who doesn't like romance!] Actually, India's dynamic with every single character is amazing. Seriously.)

That's all I'm going to say because I want you to find out more about it on your own. Seriously, I can't recommend it enough, and I can't be the only one to fangirl about this.

This is what this book does right. India is not your typically Wattpad heroine who is completely helpless at the sight of a sexy, handsome bad boy. She has control over herself and acts like a normal human being. She is NOT boy-crazy, and she LEARNS FROM HER MISTAKES.

After seeing so many flat, boring, bland, heroines who are only good for drooling and ogling guys who look good, India is refreshing.

Granted, there are a few scenes where she can't help but stare, but it's NOT cringy at all. In fact, every scene where she ends up staring comes off more as character development (kinda hard to explain without giving you context) than for sexual tension.

She blushes because she has a reason to not just because a guy looked at her. Not only that, but she manages to be an independent character who I would be more than willing to read about even without any romance because her story is just that gripping. Somehow, India takes every cliché good girl characteristic and manages to turn them into something that is NOT cliché AT ALL. I would list what those characteristics here, but I don't want to give any spoilers. :P

Don't even get me started on Matthew Glass. He is NOT the possessive bad boy that plagues Wattpad, yet he is still a character that I assure you will fall in love with. He is still the type of guy you might find in a Wattpad book, but that's only in the looks department because his personality is ten times more deep and likable than any of the arrogant bad boys that live in Wattpad. Not only that, but he's got some secrets everyone would like to know. ;)

If there were characters like Mr. Glass on Wattpad, you bet that all the readers would be fawning over him. I know I would, and I'm not even ashamed to admit it. <3

The best part about this book is that the romance is NOT forced like so many romances are. From the chemistry, the suspicions, to the clear frustration on whether India should trust him or not, every single interaction between the two is so realistic and somehow lovable.

If any of you like historical fiction, romance, HUMOUR, mystery, witty characters, and watching a developing relationship (like friendship, not just romance) OR if you just want to read something easy and non-cliché, give this a read. I promise it won't disappoint.

That's enough. I could go on forever about how much I adore this book, but I think we all know that salty rants are more fun to read, especially since most of you probably didn't even know this book existed.

I'm rambling.

What are you all waiting for? Go check out The Watchmaker's Daughter.

(I promise a new rant will be coming soon, so please don't be mad that I deviated from the norm. I promise you the salt is still in my blood and this sugary sweetness is temporary. XD)

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