Weak Heroines are NOT CUTE

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Oh. My. Gosh.

⬆ (UGH!)

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⬆ (UGH!)

Okay, calm down.

So, I have talked about this annoying female MC in the past, but I think it's time I focus on her on a rant. This is mainly because I was in the middle of reading a story about a girl and three guys (cliché, I know, but I promise you it was for research purposes...and I thought it might be fun).

Anyway, in this story, the girl is this annoyingly weak doormat who lets the guys trample all over her. I could not keep reading this story without cringing or getting annoyed, hence the birth of this chapter.

Now, this story starts out with the three guys (who live together) getting a housekeeper in order to help keep things in order. There were so many things wrong with this story, but I'm going to focus on the terrible characters.

For the sake of convenience, let's give them some names.

Girl: Tessa (Of course :P)

Guy 1 (Oldest): Tyler (Heh)

Guy 2 (Middle): Jarred

Guy 3 (Youngest): Don

The guys are all basically cookie cutouts of each other. Well, at least Jarred and Don are. I'm not sure what Tyler will be like since he hasn't been introduced to Tessa yet (as far as I've read).

Now, let's break this down and I'll give you a list of why I cannot stand the characters in this story.


⬆(Ugh, I can't stand her)

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(Ugh, I can't stand her)

Tessa has got to be the most annoying, idiotic Mary Sue to walk the planet. I swear, I absolutely hate this character, especially because of how the guys perceive her. Let's start at the beginning, shall we?

Tessa is introduced at chapter one where a previous housekeeper lets her in. She is described as a blonde, adorable, tiny ANGEL. Because obviously, you have to be super short to be an adorable angel.

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