Fantasy - The Chosen One Must Be Special

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⬆ (I think you get what I'll be talking about

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⬆ (I think you get what I'll be talking about...)



As you all may know, I have been working on a fantasy story, which may or may not be up by this week or next week. I don't know. Anyway, in my fantasy story, my characters go to this academy to learn the basics or magic and stuff like that. I won't go too in-depth here, but that's the very basic premise without info-dumping all the rules and whatnot. Well, since I didn't want my story to be too similar to other stories on Wattpad, I went around on a search for fantasy teen-based stories, and whoa boy. There are a lot of clichés.

Now, in my book, magic energy can be converted into one of fourteen elements. Kind of like an elemental story. Obviously, I went to check out the myriads of elemental books in this site, and there is always one glaring, redundant plot point in these stories: the chosen one.

Now, before you go thinking this has to do with some kind of prophecy (well you're half right, BUT it involves so much more than that), let me explain:

In the elemental/supernatural/magic/etc. academy genre, I have noticed that our protagonist is always special in some way. Either he/she has the rarest power in the world, is the most powerful creature in the world, can wield all the elements, or just has a special ability that has never been seen in their universe before. I'm talking about that chosen one. The OP ones.

Like, I'm tired of seeing blurbs that go:

Tessa thought she was an ordinary girl. When she is sent to a supernatural school, she finds out that she is the most powerful and rare creature in the world. And darkness wants her. Will she survive the academy when there are stalkers, boy troubles, and dark organisations wanting her power?

 Will she survive the academy when there are stalkers, boy troubles, and dark organisations wanting her power?

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⬆ (Mary Sue alert)


When kids turn a certain age, they learn what element they wield. What happens when Tessa's birthday comes around and her element is something no one has ever seen before?

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