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still in the straight jacket i was pushed into the block which was c block. i was asking questions all the way here.

i was going to be here a month apparently, and i had no visiting privilege's but i did have phone privileges which was good so i could call mateo and my in law family.

one of the COs dropped my bunk bag that had all my toiletries, the man started to undo my restraintments. once i was free i grabbed my stuff and turned to the crowd that was scattered throughout the facility.

"cell 104 inmate" the man gruffed, clearly tired. he lazily pointed to the cell.

i walked up the narrow stairs and entered the cell, there was a woman with graying hair lounging on the top bunk.

"hi, im your new cellie, vera diaz" i said not bothering looking up and just started setting up my bunk.

"barbara dennings" she said sitting up and slinging her legs over the bunk so they dangle just above my back as i was making the bed.

"little debbie murderers" i say after finishing and walking to the wall opposite to the beds, a small smirk played itself onto her face.

"so shortcake whatcha do to get yourself up in the big house" she said noticing my already printed out badge.

"well i was serving time in Litchfield minimum, but some bitch got out on furlough, she asked if i wanted her to do anything for me while she was out. i wanted her to go see my son, long story short she lied about going to see him then proceeded to lie after i confronted her about it so i uh kicked her teeth in" i say looking around the room, barb hums and nods "yeah im gonna like you shortcake" she said.


a week goes by and barb is a hot head, i would play cards with her everyday in her room, i would bring her food up to the cell and eat with her and from i could let she was la reina of D block.

she was funny, her cruel dark humor wasnt something you would come by often and it was nice.

she told me about her sister- carol- and how she and her had a fued.

i even told her why i got stuck up in jail, using her words she said 'i admire your gut shortcake' which made me smile. i showed her a picture of my son and she called him cute.

i would call manny and sica two times a week and i would talk to mateo in spanish, he would respond sometimes but most of it was inaudible gurgles. 

but all that was really on my mind was if daya was okay, she was really stressed and i knew that that could be harmful for her and the baby, i nearly had a miscarriage with mateo because of the stress juan put me under.


my month was up and i receive a goodbye hug from barb before leaving.

the ride back was just as boring as to.

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