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mami had me and flaca and the rest of the girls doing little cleaning tasks around the kitchen, instructed by caputo who was showing these fancy people around the prison 

"imate mendoz, glad you could join us. whats on the menu for today" caputo said walking into the kitchen with three men and one woman behind him, all dresses in nice official clothing.

"food" gloria said giving a shrug, i snorted as i wiped down a kitchen counter.

"its a cuban stew, we got a whole case of it last week. and gloria over here figured out how to stretch them after we gotten rid of the rotten peices" i say, walking over with my gloved hands holding crumbs. chucking them in the bin near the door.

the female official grimaced and i looked over to the men who stared in lust.

"we find, that our inmates are our best assets" caputo paused "they are very resourceful and are very accessible" he joked but nobody laughed.

"okay uh, lets keep moving" he ushered them away.

i groaned as one of the men looked back at me, he winked and i felt my skin crawl.

"i hate men" i said sitting on the table i just cleaned, though it defeated the purpose i still sat, maritza nodded as she stirred the pot of stew. "sometimes they just make you feel icky with your eyes" the rest of the crew nodded and chimmed in their responses.

"one time while i was with my baby daddy, he looked at me while i was changing juliettas diaper with this look and i swear to god, i wanted to throw up" maritza said shivering her shoulders with disgust. 

"well good thing were in here, no men. no expected sex nothing" i said as flaca walked towards me and leant on my legs.

"ughh, but no sex" she moaned "thats the one thing i miss" i laughed at her comment and pushed her shoulder "agreed" was all i said 

"girl, you cant talk. youve got like what... 3 girls after you" maritza said turning off the burner on the stove and lifted the pot to the counter beside her.

"huh? who" i laughed, they looked at me like im dumb. "poussay, nicki and pipers boo. alex" maria spoke as she overheard our conversation

"okay, 1, poussay and i aint no thing, 2, nicki is hot and shes easy to flirt with mmmk and 3rd alex is just revenge" i clarafied to the girls as they rolled their eyes.

"sureee, whatever you said hotstuff" maria fake flirted, i jump off the counter, making flaca fall as she was leaning on me and started chasing maria around the kitchen. trying to dodge other staff.

444 words for chapter 40... sorry its a short one <3

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