Chapter 1

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original: August 2022
rewritten: August 2023
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"Ugh, I hate my life," Louis grumbled to himself, clearly upset.

He was heading back from uni, but honestly, he couldn't really call his gloomy apartment "home."

The autumn night was cold and dark, and he was freezing because he'd forgotten his jacket in the morning. Rain was coming down, reflecting the lights in a pretty way.

He started singing quietly, adapting the lyrics to his mood.

"It's raining, it's pouring. My eyes, oh, they're stormy..."

But in reality, he was tearing up. His life was a mess. No friends, just messed up a presentation, and he really missed his family, especially his mom.

He kept singing, leaving out the parts that didn't match his mood.

"It's raining, it's pouring... I don't want to cry. But I need you here because I'm a mess."

Ahead, there were people laughing and chatting loudly. He couldn't understand how anyone was in the mood for that kind of thing in this weather. He usually liked this kind of weather, but it bugged him when people acted like everything was fine. 'Cause it wasn't. Life was a tough gig. Always. If anyone said their life was smooth sailing, they were full of it.

Maybe they didn't lose somebody important. Maybe they still have their whole family. But even then, maybe they've lost their job, just went through a break-up or divorce, made a wrong decision, have many enemies, are depressed, get bullied, or something else. But no life is easy. Everybody has hurdles in their life.

He wasn't sure how he missed the tall guy walking his way. He bumped into the dude, muttered a quick sorry without looking up, and kept walking. But his voice cracked, giving away the fact that he was crying.

In his head, he told himself, "Come on, get it together, man. Real men don't cry."

The guy asked if he was okay, and though his voice sounded familiar, he didn't dare look up. He didn't want some stranger seeing his ugly cry face.

"Yeah, fine. Just trying to get back home," Louis answered, sniffling.

Crap, why did I sound like I'm about to burst into tears again?

Suddenly, the guy lifted his chin. Louis nearly freaked out. Harry freakin' Styles was standing there! The guy he'd crushed on for ages, the worldwide celebrity.

His eyes widened and he let out an embarrassing squeak. But Harry didn't seem to mind.

"Seems like you're not okay. What's your name?" Harry asked, sounding concerned.

"I-I'm fine. Just a bit cold. My place is just a few minutes away," Louis stammered.

Before he knew it, Harry took off his coat and handed it to him.

"You didn't have to," Louis mumbled, feeling his cheeks heat up.

He just got a coat from Harry Styles! It was something he'd daydreamed about forever, and he never thought it would actually happen to a regular dude like him from Doncaster.

"But I wanted to. How about I walk you back to your home, just to make sure you're good?" Harry offered.

Yeah, right. Home. As if.

"I think I can manage. I mean, you're Harry Styles, you're probably busy," Louis said, about to take off the coat and hand it back. But Harry slipped an arm around him and nudged him toward his apartment.

"Come on, I know I'm famous and part of that boyband, but I'm not heartless," Harry said, walking with him arm-in-arm.

"By the way, you still haven't told me your name," Harry mentioned.

"I'm Louis. Louis Tomlinson. I live right there in that building," Louis replied embarrassed, pointing toward a shabby place about a football field away.

"Seriously?!" Harry seemed surprised.

"Yeah... Moved from Doncaster, and this was all I could afford," Louis admitted, feeling kind of embarrassed.

It was pretty embarrassing. Meeting your idol and they realize how broke you actually are.

"Ah, sorry if that came out wrong. I was just taken aback seeing someone like you living in that kind of place. You don't look like you're struggling," Harry said, blushing a bit.

Did Harry Styles just blush because of me?

"Thanks, I guess. My family's mostly back in Doncaster. I'm the lone ranger here, and we're not exactly swimming in cash," Louis replied, struggling to hold back tears as he thought about his family.

He quickly looked away, hoping Harry hadn't seen him tearing up. But it was too late; Harry had spotted it.

"Hey, don't cry. I'm here. It's all good," Harry whispered, giving him a comforting hug.

"Alright, how about we head to your place, and I'll make some tea? We can chat about whatever you want," Harry suggested.

Louis just nodded and pulled away from Harry, walking alongside him.


Ok, sooo that's Chapter 1. It's not that long. The next chapters are going to be longer!

Hope you liked it!

- Li

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