Chapter 30

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After three hours of sleeping and cuddling on the tour bus, the boys finally arrived in Florence. Thankfully, a friend of Harry's had offered them his house for their stay, sparing them from crowded hotels. The house might not have been grand, but it was comfortable enough, and they were grateful for the warm hospitality.

As soon as they settled in and placed their luggage inside, the boys gathered around the Christmas tree to exchange gifts. They had agreed to do this as soon as they arrived, eager to celebrate together. Louis was excited to see Harry's reaction to the rings he had picked out. He knew Harry had a soft spot for jewelry.

"Here you go, Haz," Louis said with a playful grin, handing Harry a small box.

Harry's eyes sparkled with delight as he opened the box to reveal some rings. "Oh, Louis, these are amazing! I love them," he exclaimed, slipping one of the rings onto his finger, feeling a rush of emotions at the thoughtfulness of Louis' gift.

Louis couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. He had carefully chosen the rings, wanting to find something that symbolized their love without drawing too much attention to their relationship in the public eye. Seeing Harry wear the ring, he felt a surge of warmth. Only they would know about the meaning.

As their fingers intertwined, Harry pulled Louis closer, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. "Thank you for everything," Harry whispered, his eyes filled with love and gratitude. "This Christmas has been incredible, and I'm so grateful to share it with you."

Louis' heart skipped a beat at Harry's words, and he wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, cherishing the intimacy of the moment. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but here with you," Louis replied softly, feeling the weight of their unspoken feelings encapsulated in those simple words.

Grinning, Harry then handed Louis a small package. "This one's for you," he said.

Louis unwrapped the gift to find a keychain with a heartfelt engraving.

With the keychain in his hand, Louis couldn't help but trace his fingers over the engraved message, feeling the weight of the sentiment behind the words. "To the one who holds the key to my heart," it read, a simple yet deep declaration of Harry's love.

"You're welcome, Lou," Harry replied, his eyes soft with adoration. "I wanted to give you something that reminds you of how much you mean to me, even when we're apart."

Louis leaned in, pressing a tender kiss on Harry's cheek. "It's perfect, Haz. I'll carry it with me everywhere, and it'll always remind me of you."

As the day continued, they enjoyed each other's company, happy the boys and their friend from Florence were there to share this day. The house was filled with laughter and joy, as they shared stories, jokes, and memories of their journey together.

In the evening, as the Christmas tree lights twinkled, they gathered around the fireplace, the warmth of the flames matching the warmth in their hearts. The conversation turned to plans for the coming year, and Louis couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement for the boys for the adventure of touring that awaited them.

Harry wrapped his arm around Louis' shoulders, pulling him closer. "You know, Lou, whatever comes our way, we'll face it together," he said, his voice filled with determination.

Louis smiled, resting his head on Harry's shoulder. "Absolutely, Haz. We've got each other, and that's all that matters."

The following day in Florence was filled with interviews and busy schedules. While the others were caught up with work, Louis decided to sleep in and enjoy some alone time in the afternoon. He roamed the charming streets, taking in the beauty of the city on his own.

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