Chapter 37

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The night of One Direction's first show in Boston had finally arrived. The arena was filled with excitement and anticipation as fans eagerly awaited the band's performance.

Backstage, however, Harry was feeling anything but excited. He couldn't shake the worry gnawing at him about Louis, who had started his first round of chemo just a day before. As he paced nervously in the dimly lit hallway, a barrage of overthinking thoughts flooded his mind.

'What if Louis is feeling worse today? What if the treatment isn't working as well as we hoped? I am a terrible person for leaving him alone during such a difficult time. What if he needs me, and I'm not there to hold his hand and comfort him?'

Harry's heart ached with each passing second, feeling torn between his love for Louis and his commitment to the band and their loyal followers. He felt a deep sense of responsibility for the tour, knowing that many people had put their time and effort into making it a success. But at the same time, he couldn't shake the feeling of guilt for not being by Louis' side during this critical period.

'Louis is so strong, but what if he's pretending to be okay just to protect me? I should be there, taking care of him, not here on this stage performing like everything is normal. What if he thinks I'm being selfish for going on with the tour? I don't want him to think I don't care about him or his health.'

Despite trying to put on a brave face, Harry's mind kept replaying memories of their time together, especially those moments when Louis would lean on him for support and comfort. He couldn't bear the thought of Louis feeling alone and scared, wondering if he was handling everything well without him.

'What if he thinks I'm not committed enough to our relationship? I know he said he wanted me to do the tour, but what if he secretly resents me for not being there with him? I wish I could just talk to him right now and know that he's okay, but I don't want to burden him with my worries when he's already going through so much.'

As the moments ticked by, Harry's anxiety only intensified. He wanted to be strong and focus on the show, but his mind kept drifting back to Louis and the uncertainty of his condition. He felt torn between the love he had for Louis and the passion he had for music and performing.

'I don't know if I can do this. How can I stand on that stage and sing my heart out when all I can think about is Louis? But I have to be strong for him, for the band, for the fans. I can't let them down. But what if Louis needs me more than anything right now, and I'm not there?'

As the time to go on stage approached, Harry took a deep breath, trying to push his anxious thoughts aside. He knew that he had to find a way to compartmentalize his emotions, to be present for the performance while keeping a piece of his heart with Louis.

'I just have to believe that Louis is in good hands, that he's surrounded by love and support. I have to trust that the doctors know what they're doing and that everything will be okay. I'll give it my all on stage, for him and for us.'

As the show began, Harry stood on the stage, surrounded by the cheers of the excited crowd. The bright lights illuminated the sea of faces before him, but his heart was heavy with concern for Louis. He tried to put on a brave face, but the worry gnawed at him relentlessly, making it difficult to concentrate on the performance.

Every beat of the music seemed to echo the rhythm of his heart, each lyric held a new meaning that night, reminding him of their love and the challenges they were facing. As he sang, his voice trembled with emotion, the vulnerability seeping through the mic and reaching the hearts of thousands of fans.

I believe in us | l.s.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang