Chapter 17

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Kind of shitty but long chapter, sorry!!

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On a Friday evening after a stressful week where they didn't see each other much, Harry and Louis were cuddling in bed. They just had dinner and there was a movie playing in the background. But neither of them was paying attention.

Suddenly, Louis phone started to ring. He reached over Harry's body to grab the phone which was laying on the nightstand.

"Hey Lou!" Lottie yelled through the phone speaker.

Louis face lit up and he sat up properly, making Harry pout.

"Hey Lottie" Louis answered.

"How are you? Like seriously?" Lottie asked.

Louis' face fell a bit and shot Harry an apologetic look, leaving the room.

"I'm fine." Louis said as soon as he reached the music room and closed the door.

"you're not. What's going on?" Lottie asked, detecting the lie.

"I'm alright, really." Louis said, trying to convince his sister.

"Louis..." Lottie said sternly.

"ugh, the only thing that happened was yesterday. I told two friends about us and he got angry. So I kind of ignored him the whole evening." Louis gave in.

"did you do something?" Lottie asked, worried that her brother harmed again.

"No." Louis said, but his voice betrayed him and cracked in the end.

"Louis, please, did you?" Lottie pleaded.

"NO!" Louis yelled defensively.

"You did." his sister cried out. "Why? Don't you see that you're perfect the way you are??"

"I'M NOT FUCKING PERFECT. I'M NOT EVEN NEAR GOOD. MY LIFE IS FUCKED UP!! I'M FUCKED UP! I LOST THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN MY LIFE! HOW CAN PEOPLE EXPECT ME TO BE FINE?!" Louis yelled. He didn't know where this came from but it felt good to get it off his chest.

Lottie only cried heavily through the phone, not speaking.

"I'm sorry." Louis said. He felt bad now. But he just couldn't see how anybody could think that he was perfect.

"But you're enough, Louis. I love you. Daisy, Phoebe, Doris, Ernest, and Dan love you too! Harry loves you. How can't you see that?!" Lottie sobbed.

Louis didn't answer. Tears were rolling down his cheeks and his breathing was uneven.

"Talk to him. Talk about how you feel." Lottie said after a while, referring to Harry.

"I will, maybe."

"Good, at least try, alright?" Lottie said.

"Alright." Louis answered.

There was a knock on the door and Zayn stuck his head inside.

As soon as he saw Louis' tears strained face, he walked towards him and engulfed him in a hug, no words needed.

"Lottie, I gotta go, love you." Louis said and hung up after Lottie said the same.

"Are you alright?" Zayn asked. 

"I don't want to talk about it." Louis mumbled in his chest and pushed away from Zayn.

"You can always talk to me, you know that, right?" Zayn said softly.

"Thank you." Louis answered and pulled Zayn in another hug.

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