Chapter 40

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I'm very exhausted while writing this so it'll be shitty, but I wanted to double update as I wouldn't be done with the book until I leave in a week :)


As the final show of the South American leg of the One Direction tour arrived, Harry couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and exhaustion wash over him. He had poured his heart and soul into every performance, but his mind was constantly preoccupied with thoughts of Louis.

During the last few shows, media and fans had started to notice that something was off with Harry. They speculated about possible reasons, but the truth remained a mystery.

On the outside, Harry and Taylor appeared to be going strong. Their public image was intact, and they were seen together at some events, leading fans to believe that everything was as it seemed.

Harry's whole family was healthy as well, so the media had no idea what happened to put Harry in such a bad condition.

Despite the concern and speculation, Harry kept up a brave front, not wanting to burden anyone with his personal struggles. He was determined to fulfill his commitments to the band and the fans, even if it meant putting his own well-being on the back burner.

The sleepless nights had taken a heavy toll on Harry, leaving him physically and emotionally exhausted as they approached the final show. Each night, he would lie awake in his hotel room, his mind swirling with thoughts of Louis, their journey together, and the uncertainty of the future. The weight of it all was becoming almost unbearable, and it felt like a constant battle to keep his emotions in check.

As they arrived at the sound check before the last show, Harry could feel the weariness in his bones. The sound check guys, who were usually patient and understanding, seemed a bit on edge, their frustration evident as they tried to work with Harry (and the boys) to get the sound just right. But his lack of focus and absent-mindedness only seemed to exacerbate the situation.

"Harry, can we try that again? You're not quite hitting the right note," one of the sound check guys said, his tone a bit more curt than usual.

Harry nodded, feeling a pang of guilt for not giving it his all. He took a deep breath, trying to shake off the fog that seemed to cloud his mind. But as he began to sing, his voice wavered, and he struggled to hit the right pitch.

"Come on, Harry, you know this song like the back of your hand," another sound check guy chimed in, his frustration apparent.

"I'm sorry," Harry mumbled, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I just... I'm not feeling my best today."

The sound check guys exchanged glances, clearly annoyed by Harry's lack of focus. They had seen him perform flawlessly countless times before, and this sudden decline in his performance was concerning.

"We don't have much time before the show, Harry," one of them said, trying to hide his exasperation. "We need to get this right."

Harry nodded, feeling the pressure mounting. He knew they were right, and he desperately wanted to give the best performance possible for the fans who had come out to see them one last time here in South America. But the weight of his exhaustion and worry made it feel like an impossible task.

He took a deep breath and tried again, his voice shaky but determined. But as he sang, he could feel the tears welling up in his eyes, threatening to spill over. He swallowed hard, trying to hold them back, but it was no use. The sound check guys noticed the glimmer of tears in his eyes, and their frustration softened into concern.

"Hey, Harry, are you alright?" one of them asked, his voice gentler now.

Harry nodded, trying to muster a smile. "I'm okay," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm just... tired."

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