Chapter 45

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Tears streamed down Louis' cheeks as he listened to Harry's heartfelt words. He was overwhelmed by the depth of Harry's love and the sincerity of his proposal.

"I don't need a ring to know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Harry," Louis said, his voice choked with emotion. "You've already given me the most precious gift - your love and unwavering support. I am so grateful to have you in my life, and I can't imagine a more perfect partner."

Harry's heart soared as Louis reached out to take the ring from the box. He slid it onto his finger, a perfect fit that symbolized the joining of their hearts and souls.

With tears of joy streaming down both their faces, they embraced tightly, sealing their commitment to each other with a loving kiss. In that moment, they knew that they were embarking on a new chapter of their lives, one filled with love, hope, and the promise of a future together.

As the sun set on Pebbles Beach, casting a golden glow over the horizon, Harry and Louis felt a profound sense of peace and happiness. They had faced the darkest of days together and emerged stronger than ever, ready to face whatever the future held, hand in hand.

Under the twinkling stars, they lay side by side on the soft pebbles, fingers intertwined, and hearts connected in the most profound way. The night sky mirrored the depth of their love, endless and timeless.

As the hours passed, they talked about their future together, dreams, hopes, and aspirations. They knew that their love was boundless, and they promised to support each other through every twist and turn life would bring.

When they walked the 200 meters back from the pebbles beach to the small but lovely resort, both of them couldn't stop smiling. They were so happy about this special evening, and couldn't wait to call each other husband.

As they arrived in their hotel room, Harry gently pushed Louis onto the bed, mindful of his delicate condition. He could see the exhaustion and vulnerability in Louis' eyes, and his heart swelled with love and tenderness for the man before him.

"Do you want to, Lou? I'll be as gentle as you need," Harry whispered, wanting to ensure that Louis felt safe and comfortable.

Louis nodded, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yes oh god, please," he replied, a soft plea in his voice. It had been a while since they had been intimate, their love put to the test by the challenges they had faced.

Harry moaned at that. He didn't sleep with anybody since the first of January with Louis. He only got off to pictures of Louis. Louis did the same, just in the toilet of his hospital room. And even once together in the bathroom of the hospital. Harry blew Louis and Louis just gave him a hand job in return.

Harry's heart ached at the thought of the difficult months they had endured apart, with Louis fighting cancer and Harry trying to be strong while away on tour. But now, they were together again, and all Harry wanted was to show Louis how much he loved and cherished him.

As they began to make love, their bodies moved together with a soft and tender rhythm. Harry took his time, worshipping every inch of Louis' body, making sure to be gentle and attentive to his needs.

They both moaned in pleasure, their bodies reconnecting after so much time apart. It was an intimate and emotional experience for both of them, a reaffirmation of their love and the deep bond they shared.

In that moment, nothing else mattered but each other. They had been through so much, and now, they were finally together again, expressing their love in the most intimate and vulnerable way.

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