Chapter 3

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"Hey guys." Harry yelled through their shared house.

Of course they all came running to the door and started to ask him question after question.

"Where were you??"

"We were worried!"

"Why didn't you answer to our messages??"

"Are you ok?"

"Why did you sound like you cried on the phone?!"

"Woww. Guys, relax. I'm fine. I met a guy. And he told me his story and how we helped him with our music. My phone wasn't next to me so I didn't know you messaged me." Harry told them, chuckling quietly.

"Mate, we were worried!" Liam said. Of course. He was the dad of the band.

"You met a guy?" Niall said, his eyebrows rising, a smug grin on his face.

"Please be careful. He's still a fan. And if he hurts you, I'll beat him dead." Zayn threatened.

"Yeah, I met a guy. His name is Louis Tomlinson and he lives between the King's cross station and the uni. And his story is very sad. That's why I sounded like I was crying over the phone. I won't tell you more. He should tell you himself if he wants to and feels comfortable." Harry said. He didn't really wanted to talk about this kind of topic right now. He just wanted to cuddle up under blankets and between his three best friends.

"Ok.. Just be careful. Now do you want to join us? We were watching tv before." Liam asked.

"Yesss! I could use a good cuddle." Harry said with a smile and walked over to the couch, the lads following him.

The next day they had to get up early. It was a Thursday morning and the four boys had a stressful day today. Interview after interview, meeting with the management, interviews again.

Harry quickly wrote Louis a good morning message and an apology for not answering until later this afternoon.

Louis was ok with it. He had uni anyways and was busy the whole morning.

The first interview was with Nick Grimshaw.

"Hey guys!! How are you?" he asked, too friendly to be real.

"Hello, we're fine. Thanks for having us!" Liam said, cringing a little.

"Soooo, I have a few question prepared for you guys. Obviously the most asked question first: Which one of you are taken and which are single?" He asked, suddenly very interested in the topic.

"I'm Niall and I'm single." Niall answered. His face not that happy.

"I'm Liam and I'm taken." Liam said sadly. He was taken. But the public doesn't know that he's not taken by Danielle but by Niall. Danielle is a great girl and very understanding. But he would rather be able to say the truth.

"I'm Zayn and I'm taken." He was the only one who was happy and could say the truth. He was in a relationship with Perrie since a few years.

"Hi, I'm Harry and I'm single." Harry said. It was the truth. He wasn't taken but everybody was hoping a girl would soon be Harry's. Too bad he doesn't even like girls. But the public doesn't know that.

"ohhh, interesting..." Nick said while winking at Harry.

The lads cringed. You can say that they didn't really like him. He was just a too big flirt, especially with Harry.

"Sooo, we got a few pictures this morning of Harry with a small guy yesterday evening. What's up with these pictures?" Nick asked curiously.

Harry looked up, confused. He didn't even know there were pictures taken yesterday.

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