Chapter 15

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This chapter was actually hard to edit for me... I wrote it before everything happened and had to edit it now. And it's just hard because at the moment, I don't believe in love because of what happened.

But have fun reading anyways!
Comment and vote please!!

"I wanted to talk to you about something..." Harry said.

"Yeah?" Louis asked, a million thoughts running through his head because he wasn't sure where this was going.

"Ok, so please let me talk first. Then you can comment." Harry asked, looking at Louis.

Louis nodded and Harry started.

"So, you know that I'm famous. And well... ugh... this is hard... well, I wanted to ask you how you would feel about coming out together? But please know, there are a few million people who will know about us and not everybody supports gay people. And I would completely understand if you don't want to. I know it might be hard for you but I've been thinking about it for a long time. You remember my panic attack? But I hope Simon won't take it bad. Hell, you're not even used to the public life. But it would make me happy because I've wanted to come out for a pretty long time, as you know, but I realised that didn't want to do it out of the blue and without a steady relationship. And yeah, just tell me if you don't-"

Louis cut his rambling off by a kiss. Harry didn't expect the kiss but started to kiss back after a few seconds.

"I would like that. When can we come out?" Louis asked, grinning at Harry.

"Well, I just have to ask my manager, Simon, first... but I hope that it won't be a problem, now that I have a steady relationship." Harry said shyly.

"Ok, that's fine. Can we meet him tomorrow?" Louis asked. He wanted to come out as soon as possible because that would make Harry happy.

"Sure!" The taller boy said happily, kissing Louis again.

A few seconds later, he pulled away and looked into Louis' blue eyes.

"I actually have a present for you too..." Harry said.

"Really?" Louis asked, not seeing anything in his hands.

Harry saw how confused Louis was looking at his hands and laughed out loud, making Louis pout.

"Nooo, I actually wrote a song for you..." Harry said.

Louis' eyes widened and he sat up straight again.

"Really?? For me?!" He asked.

"Yes... do you want to hear it? You'd be the first person to hear it." Harry said.

"Yes sure!" Louis said excitedly.

"Ok, lay down and get comfortable. I don't have a guitar or anything with me right now but I have it recorded." Harry said, fumbling with his phone.

A rather fast strumming of a guitar started to play through the speakers of Harry's phone.

"My hands, your hands
Tied up like two ships
Drifting, weightless
Waves try to break it
I'd do anything to save it
Why is it so hard to save it?"

Harry started to sing. Louis already loved it.

"My heart, your heart
Sit tight like bookends
Pages between us
Written with no end
So many words we're not saying
Don't wanna wait 'til it's gone
You make me strong"

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