Chapter 9

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Heyy, new chapter! I had a german writing test and I loved writing it. So I found new motivation to write here too hahaha
Enjoy and please vote!

"Bye mom, love you!" A young Louis said to his mom when she left the house. He was excited! His mom finally got a new job! She had many problems with the old jobs because she couldn't work that much with seven children at home and her bosses didn't understand that. But this time, her boss seemed nice!

Jay arrived at the company's building five minutes with her bicycle later, and went to the 20th floor, where her boss would wait for her and then show her around.

It took about two minutes with the elevator to get there without a break.

Arriving on said floor, she searched her boss' room and went inside with a knock.

Her boss was a very friendly and kind woman, probably mid-fifties. She seemed rather ambitious but still understanding what work-times belongs.

They were in the middle of a small building-tour when the fire alarm went off.

Everybody panicked and ran towards the stairs, Jay in the middle of it all.

On her way down, she stumbled and everybody ran over her half-conscious body, nobody caring enough to help her.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang to be heard and the building went to pieces, somewhere in the middle of it all, Johanna Tomlinson, mother to seven children.

Little-Louis, of course, heard all about it considering the building was only a kilometer away. He screamed and shouted and cried, but nobody could help him.

"HELP HER!! LEAVE ME ALONE!! I DON'T NEED HELP, MY MOM NEEDS HELP!!" He yelled at the police officer who held him tightly.

"Louis, calm down! She's ok!" the officer tried, but they both knew that this was far from the truth.

"I CAN'T! PLEASE!!" young-Louis cried out. Why won't they just help his mom?!





"Wake up!! It's only a dream"

Louis gasped and looked around in the unfamiliar room, his face tear-strained.

"Love, you're ok, it was only a dream. You're here with me. Breathe." he heard someone say. Harry. Thank god he was alright.

"HAZ!!" Louis cried out. He was glad that for once someone was there to calm him down. He really didn't want to deal with a nightmare alone again.

"Louis, you're fine, it was only a dream." Harry said calmly. He was woken up by Louis' crying and him shouting incomprehensible things. He knew exactly what was up. Louis told him about the nightmares he was having.

Harry kissed his sweaty forehead and hummed a quiet tune, hoping to lull Louis to sleep again, and hoping that he wasn't too exhausted tomorrow. The five boys wanted to do something together.

Louis calmed down after a few minutes and was so tired out, that he fell asleep to Harry's humming of an unknown song within minutes.

The next morning, Louis woke up alone in the big bed he thought was too big for him. He was still rather tired after the incident in the middle of the night and he was scared. Scared that Harry was weirded out because of the nightmare.

He slowly got up and went downstairs, still in Harry's hoodie, with which he could form sweater paws, and sweatpants.

He wasn't loud enough for the boys to notice him. They were sitting at the table, talking, laughing, and eating breakfast, too wrapped up in a conversation to hear the small boy.

Louis quickly walked over to Harry and wrapped his arms around him.

"Aww, good morning, love." Harry cooed when he saw the sweater paws. It was literally the cutest thing ever.

"Mornin'" Louis mumbled, closing his eyes again. He absolutely despised mornings.

The other boys were watching too and cooed quietly. Louis is cute. Harry was right.

"Thought you were weirded out when I didn't saw you in the bed when I woke up." Louis said, making himself comfortable on Harry's lap.

"Why would he be weirded out? You're literally the cutest human-being." Niall said, earning a stern glare from Liam. "sorry, you're cute too, my Lima bean." he whispered, making Liam blush and shut up.

Louis' head shot up to meet Harry's eyes. He didn't even talk to Harry about it.

"Uh. I kinda had a nightmare..." Louis mumbled, looking down. He didn't want to cry again.

"Huh? Everybody has them. Do you want to talk about it? When I have a nightmare it always helps me to talk about it." Niall said in his usual cheery but caring self.

Louis' eyes started to water up again and he shook his head, whispering quietly "No, it's always about the same topic."

"Really? Should we be concerned?" Liam asked carefully, seeing the watery eyes and not wanting to make the boy upset.

Louis looked up to Harry through glassy eyes, silently begging him to say something. He didn't want to tell the boys everything. He knew he would have to sometime. But not right now. He wasn't prepared nor ready.

"Guys, I think you should stop. It's about something personal and not many people know. It's actually the main reason why Louis and I are so close." the curly headed boy said, saving Louis out of this situation.

Louis looked at the boy he was sitting on and nodded thankfully, resting his head against Harry's chest.

The rest nodded, understanding that it wasn't something Louis wanted to share with them yet.

"So, what are the plans for today?" Zayn said, dropping the previous conversation.

"Uh, I saw something about an amusement park about two hours and a half away from London. How does that sound?" Liam asked, already liking the idea.

"Sounds cool! But I'll just stand there and won't go on rollercoasters. I can hold your things or something." Zayn said with a chuckle. He hated rollercoaster.

Everybody agreed and got up to make themself ready, when Harry realized that they were famous and that there were going to be fans.

"GUYS!! CAN YOU COME HERE AGAIN?? I FORGOT SOMETHING" he shouted and everybody went back to the table.

"We need bodyguards. Who should I call?" Harry said and looked up. Louis stood there, like a lost carrot (a/n: sorry, insider haha) and looked at the lads. He didn't know any bodyguards.

"Uh... we definitely need one for each of us and probably one for Louis too considering he's with us. I think, Paul should come 'cause he's relaxed and could tell the other bodyguards what to do and that they should let us do whatever we want, then... Matthew, James, Thomas, and Daniel. What do you guys think?" Liam said, thinking these were the coolest ones.

"Yeah sure, can you guys call Thomas, Daniel, and James? I'll call Paul and Matthew." Harry asked and reached for his phone to make the two calls.

"Yup, I will." Zayn said and made his way back to his room to make the calls, knowing Niall and Liam would take too long with kisses and everything.

After one hour, everybody was ready to go.

Who's ready for next chapterrr?? It's going to happen something...

But I won't tell you what hehe

Btw: sweater paws are my weakness! I can'tttt!! They're too cute! On everybody!

Lots of love

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