Chapter 33

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You're gonna hate me haha

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TW!! Throwing up!


This night, Saturday, 7th January, Louis woke up because he was in much pain. He had a shooting pain in the stomach and his stomach was very hard.

Harry, of course, noticed and was concerned.

"Babe, are you ok?" he asked, the attentive boyfriend he was.

"Just pain. Nothing bad. Go back to sleep." Louis managed to squeak out. He knew it wasn't alright, but he didn't want Harry to worry in the middle of the night.

"Lou, everybody can see you're not ok. I'm making a doctor appointment later in the morning. This needs to be checked. You're literally bent over in pain!" Harry whisper-shouted. He didn't want the other boys to wake up.

"no, please not, I hate doctors." Louis said with tears pooling in his eyes. He hated hospitals. He only has bad memories.

"Lou, baby, this is not normal!"

So after a soothing bath with Harry, they slowly got up properly, eating breakfast with the boys. Or well, the boys ate, Louis not.

"Boys, Louis and I are going to the hospital later. His stomach is still not better, it's even worse." Harry announced during breakfast.

Louis only pouted and put on a mad face. He still didn't want to go.

"Hope it's nothing too bad! Get well soon and keep us updated!!" Liam said, patting Louis on the back as he was sitting next to him.

"We will, see you later!" Harry said and stood up, Louis following. They put away their plates but then went upstairs.

"C'mon Lou. You have to walk to get in there." Harry said to a stubborn looking Louis. They were currently standing in front of the hospital as they were classified as an emergency that needed treatment pretty soon on the call earlier.

"What if I don't want to?" Louis challenged.

"Lou, please don't make this any harder than it already is." Harry pleaded.

"No." the shorter boy answered.

"Lou, come here, please. I don't want any fans to see us here." the other boy said.

Slowly and with tears in his eyes, Louis walked towards the entrance.

"Louuu, baby, it's alright." Harry tried to comfort.

But Louis couldn't stop the tears. He just hated hospitals and being sick.

Even during the appointment, Louis' eyes were glassy.

"Are you able to eat normally?" Dr. Devine asked.

"well, uh... it always hurts after eating and I never feel hungry. I threw up once or twice as well..." Louis said, looking at Harry. He didn't tell Harry because he thought it would get better after a few days.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Harry asked, a bit heart broken that Louis wouldn't tell him.

"I didn't want you to worry. You already have so many things to do and think about with the upcoming tour. I didn't want you to worry about something more. I'm sorry..." Louis said, feeling a little guilty.

"And since when do you have the pain? And the throwing up?" the doctor asked.

"Well, I don't really know... I once had this thing in September where I threw up and everything. After that, the pain never went away completely. But it could've just been some infection or something." Louis explained, not making eye contact with Harry.

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