Chapter 16

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The next day, Louis had to go to uni again. He didn't want to because the happenings from yesterday were still fresh and they still hurt.

Fuck Simon. Why can't he just let them be free? Is freedom too much to ask??

Apparently, yes.

"Bye Lou. Love you." Harry said and pecked Louis' lips.

He was dropping him off a few blocks away from the uni. This way, no fans are going to recognize him.

"Bye haz, I love you too. Have a great day." Louis said when they pulled away.

"Thanks, you too. And remember, I'm going to pick you up later, ok?" Harry said.

"Yes, bye" Louis answered and got out.

„Hey Lou! How are you?" Ed asked before the first lecture, giving him a bro hug.

"I'm fine." Louis answered and looked away.

He was a bad liar and he knew it. Especially if he looked into the eyes of someone while lying.

"No, you're not. What's wrong?" Stan asked, frowning at him.

"I'm fine. Leave me alone." Louis said annoyed and walked to a free table away from them to sit down.

Stan and Ed gave each other worried glances and decided to ask again later. Maybe Louis is going to be more open then.

At lunch, the two friends could still sense that something was off. So the first thing they thought of was that something has happened with Louis' boyfriend. So they asked about that first.

"Is it your boyfriend?"


"Are you not feeling well because of your boyfriend? Did you guys broke up or something?" Stan explained his question.

"No, we're still going strong." Louis answered while looking down.

"Then what's this about? We want to help you to feel better but we're helpless if you don't tell us." Ed asked helplessly.

"It's nothing. I told you I was fine!" Louis said, annoyed that they just won't drop the subject.

"C'mon. Everybody can see that you're not fine." Stan said. He wasn't going to give up.

"If I tell you, it has to be somewhere private and you're not allowed to tell anyone about it." Louis said warningly.

"Of course. It stays here. Should we go to the garden in the back of the school?" Ed proposed.

Louis nodded and they got up to walk to a tree in the middle of the garden where nobody stays.

"Ok again. No matter what happens between the three of us. And no matter what you think about it. You can't tell a soul. I'm not even supposed to tell you." Louis said seriously.

"We won't tell anybody. I swear." Ed answered, looking serious.

"Ok good so... why I didn't tell you about my boyfriend is because he's a famous singer... and he's closeted. And yesterday we had a meeting about us coming out but his manager yelled at him, and later at me, that we're not allowed to come out because it would affect his career." Louis explained, not telling the name yet.

"Ok wow... that's... wow... I'm so sorry Lou. I wish there would be something we could do." Stan said, Ed not finding words.

"I'm so sorry too, Louis... what's his name?" Ed said after a minute.

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