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I'm sorry for not updating! <3
The whole thing with my dad is harder for me than I thought...

It was only in the last few days/weeks that I realised how dangerous it really was.
It is a miracle that he is still alive at all

His inflammation levels in his blood were extremely high (next to many other things).
Normally, it's up to 5 mg/l blood. 70 mg/l is already high, ok?
My dad had 452 mg/l. So at this point it was very dangerous for him.

And even though he's home since almost 2 weeks, it's still hard.
I almost lost my dad. My dad, the person I'm closest to. The person I trust. The person who understands me, who supports me with everything.

So it's been a bit tough, especially now when it's the end of this school semester and I have a lot of exams. I can't even concentrate when I want to study.

Luckily at least one of my teachers understands and tells me to take it easy. Love him <3

Yeah, I hope you understand that<3
I will continue with this story when the whole thing has died down a bit <33

Lots of love
- Li

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