Chapter 21

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Shorter chapter than usual, sorry!! Just wanted to update as I said but my new phone wouldn't download Wattpad until a few minutes ago :((

But here you go! Vote and comment!


"I don't want to go." a nervous Harry said the next morning at 9 o'clock. He was just about to leave for the meeting.

"C'mon, it won't be too bad" Louis tried to comfort, his arms wrapping around Harry.

Harry cuddled into Louis even more than before, not wanting to let go.

"You have to go, Haz. You can't be late." Louis chuckled and tried to pry his boyfriend off him. But Harry wouldn't have it. Instead, he started to shake slightly.

"Haz?" Louis asked confused.

Harry slowly looked up with tears in his eyes.

"I don't want a stunt. I love you." Harry said with a broken voice.

"Awww, baby, I love you too, it's going to be alright. And who said that you need a stunt?" Louis said.

"Simon will, have you seen the reactions to the picture?" Harry asked.

"No, show me. Is it that bad?"

Harry got his phone out and went to twitter to one of his fan accounts.






Aww, we need a ship name, Louis + Harry = Larry?


Since when is harry gay? And since when does he have a partner?


Louis? Really? Harry has some standards.. they're way higher.


Did this guy infect Harry?! Our Harry?!




Louis was speechless at some comments. He didn't know a human could hate this much or be homophobic.

"See?" Harry said in a mad tone.

"I'm sorry, I'm sure it's going to turn out alright." Louis said with a comforting voice. But he wasn't that sure anymore.

"Shit, I have to go." Harry said suddenly and shot up.

"Bye, love you and see you later." he said to Louis, pecked his lips, and ran outside to one of his cars.

Luckily the office had an underground parking so no paparazzies or fans were there.

Harry took the elevator to the fifth floor where Simon's office was.

At 9:55 he stood there and tried to calm himself down. He just knew it would turn out bad. Simon's text sounded mad already.

With a knock, Harry entered Simon's office. It was exactly 10 o'clock.

Simon was sat at the end of a large table and didn't even look up as Harry sat down a few chairs further down.

"So, Harry. I'm sure you know why you're here." Simon said surprisingly calm.

"Yes, but please, it was just one picture!" Harry answered.

"Harry, in these pictures you could clearly see that you're a couple!! That's not ok! It's in the contract!!!" Simon started to yell slightly.

Harry only nodded, tears already pooling in his eyes. He didn't like to be yelled at.

"So I had to take consequences. Taylor? Come inside." Simon said, the second part enough loud so you hear it outside of the office.

Harry looked at Simon with a 'are you serious?' look, scared that it's true.

But his question was answered when Taylor, an old friend, entered, an annoyed look on her face.

"No, no, no, this is not happening, right? NO! I DON'T WANT A STUNT!!" Harry yelled and broke down in tears.


"NO! PLEASE NOT!! I LOVE HIM!" Harry screamed again. He laid his head down on the table and broke out in loud sobs, his whole body shaking.

"First date next weekend, if you want it or not. And you guys have to make it believable, means kissing and touching a lot." Simon said and got up to walk out of the office.

Harry didn't say goodbye or even looked up, he just continued to cry, his head still in his arms on the table.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I don't want to do this stunt, ok? I don't want to break you guys apart or anything. I know you love him." Taylor said after a while.

Harry still didn't calm down but nodded.

"T-Thank you, Taylor." he said and got up. He wiped his tears and looked at Taylor for a short time.

Then he turned to the door and walked back to his car.

As soon as he was there, he called his sister. Gemma always knew how to make him feel better.

"Haz?" Gemma picked up after the third ring.

"Gem!" Harry broke down again.

"Haz? What's wrong??"

"They made me do a stunt! With Taylor!!! Why?!"

"Oh Haz, you don't deserve this... at least it's Taylor and not some stupid model, ok? It's going to be ok." Gemma said with a calming voice.

Harry only cried. He couldn't seem to calm down properly.

"Harry, calm down. Have you talked to Louis about it?" Gemma asked after a few minutes. She was always up to date.

"I will, I'm just driving home now." Harry answered with a raspy voice.

"Ok, do that and we'll talk later, alright?" Gemma said.

After Harry agreed, he hung up and made his way back home.

When he arrived, he didn't hesitate a second before he ran upstairs to tell Louis.

"Lou? I'm so sorry, they're making me do a stunt." Harry got out first thing.

"What? No." Louis said. He couldn't believe it. It was only one picture!!

"Yes, I'm sorry!!" Harry said, new tears already pooling in his eyes.

"It's not your fault." Louis said with a sigh. He was furious. Just why?! They did nothing wrong!

"FUCK SIMON!!!" Louis yelled loudly.

Harry jumped a bit at that because he has never heard Louis yell that suddenly.

"Calm down, we'll be alright." Harry said and pulled Louis into a hug.

"I CAN'T CALM DOWN! YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS! I HATE SIMON! WHY? WHY DID-" Louis yelled again but Harry cut him off with a kiss.

"I don't know, Lou. But how about I cheer you up?" Harry asked sadly.

Louis only looked up, his eyes filled with tears.

"How about a date? Tomorrow, 6 pm, be ready." Harry smiled warmly.

"Really??" Louis asked excitedly, wiping his tears away. He was always up for a date with his favourite person.

"Yes." Harry chuckled and pecked Louis' lips.

"Yes!!" Louis answered and kissed Harry hard.


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Lots of love


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