Chapter 26

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In thoughts of Johanna Deakin, fly high angel

This chapter was very hard for me to write because of what happened the past few months with the topic death very prominent. I wanted to thank MARIE (@lxsthxsxxrth )for comforting me when I wrote this (even tho it's been a while since I wrote this haha)

Hope you like it anyways!! Vote and comment!

TW: panic attack!


This morning, Louis woke up at 5 because of a nightmare. But when he realized that the nightmare wasn't even a nightmare, he started to cry.

That, of course, woke Harry. When he saw Louis crying like that, he realized what day today is. December 7th.

A year ago today, Louis' mother passed away.

Harry immediately wrapped Louis in a hug and didn't let go as Louis sobbed into his chest.

"Shh, I'm so sorry Lou, I love you, everything is alright, shhhh..." Harry tried to calm him down.

But honestly, it broke his heart too. He was trying so hard not to cry. He had to be strong for Louis. He couldn't cry.

Eventually, Louis tired himself out and fell asleep in the comfortable arms of his love.

The next time he woke up, it was much brighter in the room and Harry sat next to him and was playing something on his phone.

Louis let out a yawn, making Harry look at him when he heard the noise.

"Good morning Lou, slept alright?" Harry asked.

Louis only nodded and tried to not cry again.

"I made you some pancakes if you want to eat something." Harry said softly and reached over to the nightstand to show Louis the plate.

Louis grabbed the plate and fork and ate a few bites. But he couldn't stomach more because the sadness was pushing on his gut.

So he gave the plate back to Harry who looked at him sadly. But he understood that today wasn't a nice day for Louis and didn't force him to eat more.

After Harry put the plate down again, Louis immediately cuddled close again, squeezing his eyes shut.

"I wrote your university. You don't have to go and you can have the notes from Ed and Stan. I asked them too. And you have me the whole day, I'm 'sick'. The boys cover up for me." Harry said softly as he rubbed Louis' back and pecked his lips.

"Thank you. I love you." Louis rasped out while a tear slipped down his cheek.

"I love you too. Do you want to just cuddle in bed today? Or do something specific?" Harry asked.

"Just cuddle. And then I have to call home. And I want to show you something later." Louis answered, his voice barely there.

And that's exactly what they did.

They cuddled in bed the whole morning, Harry just comforting Louis and Louis trying not to cry. And sometimes Harry would kiss him when sometimes Louis felt the need for a comfort-kiss.

"It's alright, let it out." Harry said after he noticed how Louis' breathing was uneven. You know that feeling when you try your best to not cry and then it hurts extremely bad in the back of your throat? Yeah, that was exactly what Louis felt. And somehow Harry knew.

So he let go.

He sobbed heavily in the chest of his loving boyfriend and the tears couldn't seem to be stopped.

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