Chapter 10

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Hello, just here to say: TW! This chapter contains a panic attack and throwing up. Do not read if you are triggered by that!

Have fun reading!


On their way to the amusement park, Louis fell asleep on Harry's shoulder, making the others coo quietly when they saw it. They took the van they owned. Louis and Harry were in the back, Zayn was driving, and Niall and Liam were in the middle.

They understood that Louis still was tired. They know how exhausting nightmares can be.

After a good hour, Niall was asleep too, on Liam's shoulder. Liam looked happy because they couldn't show the public later. Better cuddle now. Zayn and Harry organized that they'll meet the bodyguards there. From then on: no relationship, no holding hands, no acting gay.

"Lou, wake up. We're here." Harry whispered when they arrived.

"Hmm...? Oh, yeah, right." Louis said, his voice laced with sleep.

"And remember: we can't hug nor kiss for the time we're out in the public, ok? I'm sorry..." Harry reminded him with a sad look crossing his face.

"Yeah, that's fine. I'll manage." Louis said and got out of the car.

"These are the bodyguards. Paul will look after you while we're out, ok?" Harry informed and walked away with another bodyguard.

Paul and Louis were quick to follow and the five bodyguards just walked behind the five boys so they're not too obvious. Maybe they'll manage for a few hours without being noticed.

When they got tickets and were inside, Louis turned to Harry.

"I feel like I know this place." he whispered.

"huh? That's creepy." Harry commented, feeling a bit weird about the whole thing.

Louis hummed in agreement and they continued to walk.

So far no people recognized them... but they have rejoiced too soon.

"OMG ARE YOU ONE DIRECTION??" a girl screamed, gaining the attention of a few people around.

Louis cringed at the high scream she let out and stepped back.

"Hi, do you want to take a picture?" Harry asked awkwardly. He loved his fans, he really did. But sometimes he just wanted to go out normally.

The girl nodded, crying a bit.

"Hey, it's ok. We're here." Niall said, giving her a hug.

They took the picture and said goodbye. The other people around didn't seem to know them. Something that rarely happens anymore.

They went on some rollercoaster rides which were big fun. Liam and Niall always tried to sit next to each other, their bodyguards on the other side. Harry and Louis did the same. Sometimes Louis was about to reach for Harry's hand because he was scared on a ride but then Harry reminded him that they were in public, gave him a sorry-look and an air-kiss, one that nobody saw.

Zayn had fun watching from the bottom. He was happy his friends were happy. And he thought it was funny how the boys just made the bodyguards do what they were doing. 

After the third ride they decided to grab some lunch. It was nothing special. They just ate what was usual for an amusement park.

Harry forced Louis to eat, even though he didn't feel that hungry. Probably because of the wild rides.

After everybody finished their food, they decided to do something calmer and go on the chain carousel.

The two couples managed to get two seats next to each other. That was the first time where the bodyguards could wait for them at the bottom.

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