Chapter 5

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Recorded my reaction hahhahah funny to watch

Anywaysss, have fun reading!!


"Ughh, can you shut this shit up!" Louis heard someone groan. As he turned around, he saw from who it was coming from and let out a not-so-manly shriek.

This made the person laugh hard and forget the loud alarm.

"Whaat?! It's not every day that you have Harry Styles next to you..." Louis grumbled tiredly, hating mornings more than anything. Surprisingly he didn't have any nightmares! That was the first time since months!

"Fuck, I have to go to uni. Please get off me." Louis suddenly realized and tried to move Harry, who was laying with his head on Louis' chest.

"What if I don't want to?" Harry grumbled stubbornly.

His morning voice was attractive... but Louis couldn't think about that. Otherwise it could get very fast very embarrassing for him...

"I'm sure you have some interviews today. You'll be busy too. Now get up." Louis tried again and this time it worked! Harry got up rather quickly, as if he realized something, and moved to the door.

"Bye Lou! I would've made you breakfast but I don't have time.. sorry!" Harry quickly said and walked back to the bed to hug the smaller, sleepy headed boy.

"It's fine, Haz. I don't even eat breakfast. Otherwise I would feel sick the whole day." Louis answered, chuckling at the stressed face Harry made.

"Ok, but drink some water or something, don't want you to pass out! Now, bye! I have to go now. Simon wouldn't be happy if I'm late." Harry pulled away from the hug and ran out of the door.

"Bye haz. Try not to get mad at him! And have fun!" Louis said after him.

"I'll try!" Harry shouted and shut the door.

Louis only chuckled and went to shower real quick. He still wore the clothes from yesterday, considering the two of them fell asleep in the evening. They talked the whole afternoon and got to know each other better. It wasn't a deep conversation. Only basic things like favourite colour and such things.

He brushed his teeth, fixed his hair, and dressed himself for uni.

He quickly drank a few gulps of water and ran out of the door, keys in his hand and door closed.

Today he had 3 lectures in the morning and 2 in the afternoon. Two of the lectures in the morning are going to take about 2 hours and the others are going to take about one hour.

After that he was planing on going to the library to study a bit because he missed two lectures the day before. He guessed he had to ask some of the people, who were in the lectures yesterday, for notes and ask what the lectures were about. He dreaded that because he really didn't want to make friends here.

The first two lectures were very interesting and he saw a guy, who he knew was studying the same thing, standing with two of his friends. He quickly walked over to him and prepared something he could say.

"Hey, uh... I'm Louis, I think we are studying the same thing. I had a family emergency yesterday and missed two lectures and I was wondering if you have some notes I could take a picture of?" Louis rambled out. He was awkwardly standing there, next to 3 people he didn't know.

"Hey Louis. We're Ed, Stan, and Eleanor. Nice to meet you." the ginger haired boy said, pointing to his friends.

"Yeah sure. Wait, I'll just search the notes" Ed said and started to search through his bag.

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