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"Bye Lou! We'll miss you!" Louis' sisters yelled. He was leaving Doncaster for Uni. He's moving to London.

Louis kept a straight face on until he was in the train and the train started moving.

Then he started to cry. He couldn't believe he's moving away from his family, from his home. And that, completely on his own. No friends, no family.

Two hours later he arrived at the station king's cross. From there it was only a 5 minutes walk to his new apartment.

His apartment was dark, cold, and small. It was the only thing that was affordable for him in London.

It wasn't even that bad. He could paint his walls a little brighter and buy some plants and lights. But that had to wait until he started to work. The only thing he already took out of his backpack was the big poster of Harry Styles which he hung over his bed.

He unpacked his things, among other things a picture of him and his mom. He missed her, every day.

When he finished, he cooked some noodles for dinner. That was the only thing he managed to cook.

Tomorrow was his first day of uni. He didn't plan on making friends. He just wanted to finish and go back to Doncaster.

And he wanted to keep being obsessed with world-famous band one direction. With Harry Styles. His biggest idol and celebrity crush.

He didn't need somebody who judges him for it. He just wanted peace. No bullies, no mean comments.

New storyyyy! Thank you for reading and please vote! It would mean so much to me. Thanks <33

The chapters are going to be much longer than that one. It's only the prologue.

Lots of love

- Li

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