Chapter 38

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This chapter is pretty short, but hey, at least you got a double update again :)

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The private jet soared through the night sky, carrying Harry and the rest of the band back to the UK. It was a much-needed reprieve from the hectic tour schedule, but for Harry, sleep seemed elusive. His mind was constantly preoccupied with thoughts of Louis, who was still in the hospital battling the effects of chemotherapy.

As the plane touched down in the UK, Harry's heart raced with a mix of emotions – excitement to be back home and anxiety about seeing Louis again. He couldn't wait to be reunited with him, but he also knew that the sight of Louis weakened from the treatments would be difficult to bear.

As soon as they landed, Harry wasted no time. He rushed to the hospital, his heart pounding with anticipation. The sight that greeted him in Louis' hospital room was both heart-warming and heart-wrenching. Louis was lying in bed, his skin pale and his body weakened from the aggressive treatments. Despite the visible toll that chemotherapy was taking on him, his eyes lit up with joy as he saw Harry.

"Harry!" Louis whispered, his voice barely above a breath. "You're here."

Harry's eyes welled up with tears as he rushed to Louis' side, taking his hand in his own. "Of course, I'm here," he replied, his voice filled with emotion. "I couldn't stay away."

They held onto each other tightly, tears streaming down both of their faces. It had been weeks since they last saw each other, and the emotional weight of their reunion was overwhelming.

"I missed you so much," Harry choked out, his voice breaking.

"I missed you too," Louis replied, his voice barely audible. "It's been hard without you here."

As they held each other close, Harry could feel Louis' weakened body tremble with emotion. He knew that the chemotherapy was taking a toll on him, and it broke his heart to see Louis going through such pain.

Over the next few days, Harry became a constant presence by Louis' side, rarely leaving the hospital room except for quick breaks to grab food, fresh air or take a shower. Harry brought with him a guitar and serenaded Louis with soft, soothing melodies, trying to provide some comfort in the midst of the medical chaos.

They laughed together at some inside jokes that only they could understand, finding solace in the familiarity of their bond. Harry would bring up funny incidents from the early days of their relationship, and Louis would respond with that infectious smile that made Harry's heart skip a beat.

But amidst the laughter and warmth, there were also moments of tears and frustration. Louis was bravely facing the challenges of chemotherapy, but it took a toll on his body and spirit. There were days when he felt weak and exhausted, unable to summon the same energy that once defined him. Seeing Louis struggle with his physical limitations was incredibly difficult for Harry, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness.

One evening, as the sun set outside the hospital window, Harry noticed Louis looking out at the darkening sky with a wistful expression. "What's on your mind, love?" Harry asked softly, sensing the weight of Louis' thoughts.

Louis turned to him, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I just miss being out there," he admitted, his voice tinged with sadness. "I miss the freedom of walking down the street without a care-"

Harry's heart ached at Louis' words. "You'll get back out there," Harry said, his voice determined. "We'll get through this, and you'll be able to do whatever you want, stronger than ever."

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