Chapter 12

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Sorry, short chapter! Hope you like it anyway! Vote and comment!


The next morning, Harry woke up before Louis and decided to make breakfast. He made himself some pancakes and prepared some for Louis, even though he knew that Louis doesn't like breakfast.

"Morning Lou" Harry said quietly, shaking Louis' shoulder softly.

"mhh..." The older boy grumbled grumpily, not happy that he was woken up.

"I-I made you some pancakes.. please eat at least one because we're going for a walk and I don't want you to pass out, ok?" Harry said, worrying a bit.

"Mhhrg... fine.." Louis said and sat up in the bed, making grabby hands at Harry.

Harry cooed at him because he looked so cute with his bed-hair and sleepy face. Like a little, cute, small hedgehog.

The older boy crawled closer and wrapped his arms around him, whispering a quite "good morning".

Louis grabbed a pancake from the plate and started to slowly munch on it.

He had to admit, they tasted good, perfect even. But he just hated breakfast. He always feels sick after it.

(A/n: same, Louis.. but I would literally pass out without some food in my system hahahah)

Somehow he managed to swallow it after a few more minutes of chewing.

"I'm full. Sorry, I can't eat more." Louis said, looking at Harry. He felt bad for leaving some pancakes on the plate because Harry made them for him.

"Please? Just this one pancake." Harry tried.

Louis only shook his head and started to get up. But he was stopped by Harry's hand around his wrist.

"Please? Only the half of it? It's not even a big one.. ok? You need some energy for walking." Harry pleaded, looking at Louis with his puppy-eyes.

"Ugh fine... only because it's you..." Louis grumbled unhappy and took three bites and swallowed them.

"Was it that bad? Now get up and wear something warm and comfortable. We're going to walk for about two hours and the autumn is starting. I can give you something to wear if you want." Harry said and stood up, walking towards his closet and handing Louis some of his clothes.

When both of them were ready, the boys walked out of the house towards a forest.

"I always come here for a walk because here are no fans. They can't find me in this forest. It's nice to get out of a hectic, tiring life and get some peace." Harry said as they continued to walk.

"Hmm... can't imagine to be at your place... must be hard sometimes..." Louis responded, thinking about how strong Harry actually is.

"Yeah... sometimes it's hard. Especially when you can't always tell the truth to the fans..." Harry said, looking deep in thoughts.

"There is always a part of me that they don't know. I mean, sure, it's good to not share everything. It's good to keep some things private... but I just wish that I can tell important things that deeply affect me as a person." Harry said. Sure, he didn't need/want to tell what places he was going to the whole time. Because then he would have fans follow him everywhere. But things like who he loves would be nice to tell.

"One day, Harry, one day you'll be able to tell whatever you want to tell. Just wait. Better times are coming." Louis said, feeling wise at his choice of words.

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