Chapter 19

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TW!!! Throwing up! Do not read if you're triggered by it!

It was a Thursday evening after a long stressful day at uni.

Louis didn't feel that good. His stomach was hurting. The whole day actually. He just acted as if he was fine.

But after a small dinner, the pain only got worse. Up to the point of throwing up.

He was just finishing his instant-noodles when the pain got that bad that he had to lay down for a moment.

But it didn't help. It only made his pain even worse.

Suddenly, his stomach turned and he quickly got up and ran to the bathroom only to throw up into the toilet.

When he was finished, he got up and brushed his teeth to wash away the sour taste.

After that, he quickly jumped into the shower to clean his sweaty body. He felt gross.

He got out and threw a hoodie from Harry on, paired with some sweats. That's what he calls comfort.

He didn't want to text Harry, but he had to because they agreed to do something together tomorrow after uni and if he was sick, he couldn't go.

Hey Haz
I just wanted to inform you that I can't make it tomorrow. I have some stomach bug or something. I'm sorry.
Talk to you soon! Good night xx

He instantly got a reply from Harry, as if he was waiting for him to write.

Awww nooo... I'll come over. Just wait a few minutes xx

No haz, I don't want to infect you. You have a job where you can't be sick... besides, it's not that bad..

I don't care if I'm getting sick too. I have to care for my Lou...

But Hazzie...

No buts. I'll be there in a minute.

And he was right. Only a minute later, there was a soft knock on the door.

Louis slowly got up, trying to hold his blood pressure normal.

He opened the door, revealing a worried looking Harry.

To Harry, Louis looked so sick. When he opened the door, Louis stood there, looking so soft with puffy eyes and a red nose. AND he was wearing his hoodie which made it even cuter.

"C'mere Lou baby..." Harry said, opening his arms for the sick boy.

"But I don't want you to get sick..." Louis mumbled, stepping back a bit.

"I absolutely don't give a shit." Harry said stubbornly, stepping forward and pulling Louis into his chest.

Louis didn't know why, but he started to cry as soon as he was engulfed by the familiar scent and feeling.

"Nooo, baby please don't cry... shhh, why are you crying? Everything is ok..." Harry whispered, tightening his arms around the smaller boy.

"I-I don't even know.. I'm just not feeling good. Absolutely not. And I hate being sick." Louis said and started to cry even more.

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