Chapter 22

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Not fully edited, sorry
Heyaaa, I'm sorry for the long wait! I was pretty busy and a lot happened in my life, I'm sorry. Please read the next chapter! Important!
A long and special chapter now though...

Vote and comment!

And smut warning ahead!


Good morning love

Enjoy your breakfast and the day to yourself, and don't forget, I'm picking you up at 6 today! Wear something warm.

-Haz xx

Harry left early in the morning to god knows where. But he left a small breakfast with a note sticking on top on the nightstand.

He wondered how late he slept in which is why he shot a quick glance at his phone which told him that it already was 11:30.

So, he quickly ate his small breakfast. All of it just to make Harry proud. And it wasn't much anyways.

Then, he slowly got up. He wasn't sure what to wear and it was stressing him out a bit considering he only had about 5 and a half more hours and he still needed to do his hair and everything.

Louis looked at his part of the walk-in closet. What the hell was he supposed to wear?! Harry didn't say anything! Casual? Or posh?

So, he just stared at his clothes in front of him.

When after another 20 minutes he still didn't know, he went out of the closet and room in search of Zayn, knowing that he was the one with most fashion sense. And Niam was probably doing something he didn't want to know.

Louis found Zayn in his room playing some video games or something.

After knocking and getting a muffled answer that sounded something like "Yes?", Louis opened the door and stood sheepishly by the entrance of Zayn's room.

"Everything okay?" Zayn asked when he saw Louis in his doorway.

"Do you have any idea what Harry is planning? He told me to get ready at six, no other details." Louis replied with a blush covering his face.

"Nope, no clue. He didn't want to tell us anything either. Sorry." Zayn answered with a shrug, still looking at his phone.

"What are you wearing?" Zayn asked, finally looking up.

"I don't know, that's why I actually came here." Louis answered with a blush.

"Come on, I'm bored anyways, I'll help you pick out an outfit." Zayn said and got up from his bed and walked towards his friend.

"Yesss, thank you so much!" Louis said with excitement lacing his voice.

Louis and Zayn both headed towards Harry and Louis' room where Zayn walked straight into the closet.

He looked through Louis' wardrobe and pulled one thing after the other out and back in again, not satisfied by anything. So, he went to his own room and closet, looking for clothes that fit Louis.

After an hour, Zayn finally found something. He chose black formal trousers from Louis' closet and a black silk shirt from his own. It draped over Louis's collarbones perfectly. Over that, Louis just wore a glittery grey blazer.

After Zayn doing Louis' hair in a perfect quiff and Louis winching every time Zayn pulled to hard, Louis was finally ready.

Together, they headed downstairs to sit on the couch where they were accompanied by Liam and Niall who both had rosy cheeks.

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