Chapter 28

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The next morning, the boys inclusive Louis got up early. They had a few interviews planned and Louis had to take some classes.

The whole day was quite boring. Just the usual. For lunch, the met up and ate together at a small café.

In the afternoon, Louis just studied again. He didn't want to have to catch up when he got back again.

The boys had some interviews. The same questions repeating over and over again.

The most asked question was "who's taken and who's single?"

The boys had to lie again, no matter how much they hated it.

"I'm single."

"So am I"

Niall and Liam answered. They quickly looked at each other, shaking their head with a sad smile.

"I'm happily taken" Zayn grinned. He was happy, that's true. But he's still a bit sad for his mates.

"And I'm taken too." Harry answered. 'Not by who you think' Harry thought. It made him want to cry, but he couldn't. Not in the middle of an interview.

All of the boys were glad when the day finally ended. Don't get them wrong, they love their jobs! It's just exhausting and boring when the same questions are asked over and over again.

And Louis was happy because the day was interesting but tiring. And he had Harry to cuddle.

On December 20th they went to visit the volcano in the parco nazionale del Vesuvio. They slept in and decided to go in the afternoon and stay for the sunset.

They were able to drive until a parking lot. From there they had to walk.

It was a nice hike, about 50 minutes up the volcano. The view was beautiful!

And when they were in top, the could finally look into the crater which was quite impressive.

They decided they would hike around the crater. After about ten minutes, the saw a small souvenir shop and went inside to buy some presents for their families and for themselves as a memory.

After a short break including drinks, they continued their hike.

Every now and then they stopped to take some pictures of the view and the crater.

And sometimes they were stopped for pictures with fans. Luckily, no fans were disrespectful and Paul and Matthew didn't have to intervene.

After about 40 minutes, they had circled the volcano.

The sun was slowly setting so they searched a quiet spot so they could watch it without interruptions of fans.

It was the perfect spot, really. Nobody could see them.

So finally, Larry and Niam were able to act coupely and take some pictures.

Zayn was entertained by the two bodyguards that were like friends.

They ate some sandwiches and then got up to really watch.

"I love you baby." Harry said as he wrapped his arms around Louis from behind.

They were turned to the sunset and the view.

Louis smiled and turned his head to the side so he could look Harry in the eyes.

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