Chapter 11

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Sorry, short chapter. But have fun anyways!


Arriving at home, Harry carried a still sleeping Louis into the house and to his bed. He laid himself next to his body and spooned him. He felt like he needed to be the big spoon this time but he didn't mind. For Louis he would do anything. He would even stop with his GOOD jokes. And that meant something.

Niall and Liam made dinner. Or Liam made it and Niall just tried the food every five minutes. But because Liam loves Niall so much, he let it slip.

After Liam was finished, Niall got everybody. Harry had to wake a sleepy Louis and Zayn had to end the call with Perrie, which was harder than expected, because they haven't seen each other for a very long time and they miss each other. But Zayn promised to call again later this night.

Only a minute after Niall joined Liam again, everybody gathered around the table and started to eat. Louis didn't eat as much as usual because he just wasn't hungry.

Dinner was normal, everybody but Louis talked and Harry watched Louis with a concerned look. Of course he knew why he was quiet. But it was still sad, seeing everybody normal, only Louis not.

At dinner, Zayn had the idea to make a movie night. Everybody except Louis agreed. He was still tired, even after sleeping a few hours. But it's normal for him to be tired after a panic attack.

After doing the dishes together, which wasn't a great idea because they held a water fight and set everything under water, they gathered in the living room.

"So... uh... I feel like I should tell you guys why I panicked today and the whole story to it... but please don't treat me any differently. I don't want pity." Louis started, the guys nodding understandably and for him to keep going.

"Uh... my mother... a beautiful creature. We were very close. She was always there. She was my biggest supporter, even after I came out to her. And, well, a few months ago, my mother was diagnosed with an aggressive form of leukaemia." Louis took a deep breath and continued. "it wasn't a long fight. Only last winter she passed away."

Tears started to form in Louis' eyes and he cuddled closer to Harry, who, on the other hand, only wrapped his arms tighter around the smaller boy.

"Well... then I uh... I fell into a bad depression, nobody, absolutely nobody, could help me. Not even my sister. We were and still are very close. I guess my mom's death brought us closer together. And your songs were the only things that could help me, I guess..." Louis said, his voice still wavering from the crying. Harry carded his long fingers through Louis beautiful, soft hair, wanting to comfort him.

"And today, the amusement park was a place she used to take me and I only realized on the carousel. That made me feel so so so guilty I panicked. I wasn't there for a long time which is probably why I didn't recognize the place straightaway." Louis said, calmer now. Harry's finger did their magic.

Suddenly he was attacked by three boys wanting to hug him. The reaction made Louis chuckle a bit. He wasn't used to so many kind people wanting to comfort him at the same time, but it was a nice feeling.

After Niall, Zayn, and Liam had pulled away, they looked at each other and started to laugh. Everybody had a tear-strained face and was looking terrible. But they guessed the tears were something that was just normal. If a friend tells you something that deep and sad, you just have to cry. Otherwise you would be very heartless and unsympathetic.

(a/n: I wrote this before my friend's dad died a week ago and now I'm editing it and I'm crying. Because it's true. I cried so hard when I got the information. And my friends did too.
Well, I'm editing it again. It's 2 months after the death. And now my dad's in the hospital to look if he has leukaemia... more to it in the end of this chapter!)

All five of them got comfortable on the couch again and they started a movie.

Louis fell asleep 5 minutes into the movie but woke up again towards the end. He didn't get the context but he didn't really care.

Harry saw him awake again and smiled softly, the other boys on their phone.

"Good morning, Lou. Slept well? I thought I could let you sleep because I knew you were tired." the curly headed boy said.

Louis nodded and mumbled sleepily "but I wanted to watch the movie.." he pouted. The title sounded interesting and he actually thought it was entertaining enough to stay awake.

The boys, who listened to their conversation awed and looked up from their phone.

Louis tried to cover his blush by hiding his face in Harry's chest, making Harry laugh quietly.

"We can watch it again some time. Only us two. Ok?" Harry said while looking at Louis.

A smile formed on Louis' lips and he nodded.

"Well, I want to go to sleep, so good night and sleep well, guys." Louis said and got up, pulling Harry with him.

Harry chuckled and got up too, following Louis to the bedroom.

They brushed their teeth without talking, but Harry made funny faces in the mirror anyways. He loved hearing Louis' laugh and would do anything to hear it.

Harry gave Louis one of his hoodies and comfy clothes again and let him change in the bathroom.

This time, Harry was fast enough with changing and Louis didn't have a chance to get embarrassed.

A few minutes later, both boys were laying in Harry's bed, Harry's head on Louis' chest.

"I'm so proud of you, Lou." Harry whispered into the silence after a few minutes passed.

"For what?" Louis asked, just as quietly as Harry.

"For opening up without panicking again." the younger boy answered, as if it was the most simple thing in the world.

"Thank you, I guess? But I only managed because you were right next to me. And today in the park too. Thank you. I don't know what I would've done without you and Paul and Matthew." the other boy said. He was really thankful and just wasn't able to say something about it earlier.

"I'm sorry I had to put you through that.." Harry mumbled.

"It's fine, I survived, I'm alive. Good night Haz.." Louis said, almost falling asleep again.

"Good night, Lou. Sleep well." the taller boy answered, moving to Louis side so he can spoon him. Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's chest, making Harry feel comfortable.

Just as Louis was about to fall asleep, he felt his arm being kissed, and a deep voice saying I like you more than you think.

Sorry for the short chapter! My dad's in the hospital and currently waiting for the results of the spinal cord puncture.
He has a pneumonia and a very contagious virus. His blood values are very bad too and we have to wait for the results that we can rule out leukaemia.

Yeah, so sorry! I'll update soon again with longer chapters!

Lots of love
- Li

PS: I just realised that there are so many deaths happening here! First, my friend's dad, then this guy from the same grade who committed suicide, and now my dad who could have leukaemia which is cancer and dangerous (especially for him because he's diabetic and already had cancer once). What is happening?! Hahaha sorry

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