Chapter 8

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This chapter is dedicated to Eny_aaa because she motivated me to write again and update!
...and then she left me alone at school... ENYAAA!! WARUMMM?! Aber egal... solangs dich glücklich macht...

So here you go! Have fun reading!


"Haaaazz! We're home!" Liam shouted through the house, startling Louis who was half-asleep on Harry's chest.

"C'mon, Lou, we gotta go and prepare dinner. The lads can't cook. They would burn down the whole house." Harry chuckled, pulling Louis up with him.

Louis looked kind of nervous, Harry noticed. He was shaking.

"What's wrong, love?" Harry asked, confused as to why he was nervous.

"Uh.. you know... I-I never met the guys a-and you do know that I'm a fan, right?" the smaller boy said embarrassed.

"Awww, Louuu. They're the nicest people you'll ever meet, ok?" Harry reassured with a warm gentle smile.

Louis nodded and let himself be pushed down to the living room. He hid himself behind Harry when Harry stepped forwards.

"Hey guys, that's Louis, the guy I told you about." he said, pushing Louis in front of him so the lads could see him.

"Heya, I'm Niall or Ni, nice to meet you!" the Irish boy said, pulling Louis into a hug.

Louis didn't expect that and was a little startled. He heard the other guys laugh a little and suddenly he was pulled into a group hug with all of them.

Louis smiled softly, he thought they were all very skeptical because he was a fan, but he was proven wrong.

"Sooooo, who's going to make dinner?" one boy asked, of course it was Niall, making everybody laugh.

"C'mon Lou, we'll make dinner." Harry said and took Louis' hand, making Louis smile.

"But you do know that I can't cook to save my life?" he chuckled, a little embarrassed.

"I'm sure you're not that bad. And I'll help you anyways." the taller boy answered.

They walked into the kitchen and took a look of what they could make.

"How about pasta and a tomato-garlic sauce? And we could make some meat too." Harry asked, wanting to make sure Louis is ok with that.

Louis nodded and they started with boiling the water.

Meanwhile, Harry went to get garlic to give it to Louis.

"Look, you have to cut it there and then put into your hands. Then you rub your hands together like this and then the peel should come off. Then you just put the garlic cloves into this thing and press it together. Now you have pressed garlic. Now you do that with the other 4 cloves and I'll cut the tomatoes" Harry explained and gave Louis the knife and the garlic press.

(A/n: I know that's maybe not the correct way, but I always do it like this and it works perfectly. So don't comment on it haha)

Louis did exactly that while Harry cut the tomatoes and cooked them a little so they could smash them.

"Great, now you can smash the tomatoes in this bowl, put the garlic, salt, and pepper inside, and I'll look after the pasta." Harry said and gave Louis the mixer.

Louis only stared helplessly at the thing, making Harry laugh and coming up behind him.

"Look, you hold it like this, hold this button, and just smash everything." Harry showed Louis with both arms on either side of Louis, his chest pressing to Louis' back.

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