Chapter 23

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Have fun reading! Vote and comment! Sorry, some TW's...

TW! Self harm! Please get help from somebody professional if you're triggered by it!

TW! Smut! I put a warning in front and after the part. Skip it if you don't like it!

TW! Throwing up! Only a small part.


The next day was... sore for Louis...

Louis' arse hurt much and even his stomach was playing dumb.

Luckily, Louis didn't need to do much today as the professors from uni had to go to 'school'. Only Harry had something to do. A date. With someone different to his own boyfriend.

(a/n: Idk if that exists at uni or in different countries hahaha)

Taylor was picking Harry up at 11 o'clock so they could grab some lunch and be back at around 2 o'clock.

So the fact that this was happening today and the stomach/arse pain weren't putting Louis into a good mood. He was sad, from the beginning of the morning. Not even Harry who surprised him with breakfast in bed could cheer him up.

"Please promise me, that you won't look at the articles? They'll just make you sad, ok?" Harry has said during the breakfast.

"I promise." Louis said grumpily, while eating a few grapes as his breakfast.

Harry gave Louis a lot of kisses and made sure he knew just how much he loved the shorter boy before he had to leave.

Taylor rang the doorbell just as Harry was ready.

"Hi, can I talk to Louis for a minute?" were the first words that left Taylor's mouth after Harry opened the door.

"Yeah sure, he's right there." Harry answered surprised, pointing to the couch in the living room.

"Hey Louis, I'm just here to explain that I want nothing from Harry, ok? I know this isn't easy for both of you and I'm not trying to break you guys up or something, but we're probably going to have to kiss, I'm sorry. I don't even want that, to be honest. I feel so bad. Please understand that it means nothing to me and that Harry loves you, ok? We're only friends. Please understand that." Taylor said in one go. She wanted to make sure that Louis knows that she doesn't want that.

"Thank you Taylor, I appreciate this." Louis said with a small smile.

"Bye, see you later, love you." Harry said and pecked Louis' lips one more time before they left.

Louis didn't see a reason in staying in the living room so he made his way upstairs to the music room. He could just try, couldn't he?

A few hours and a new tune later, Louis made his way out of the music room and inside the bedroom he shared with Harry.

He knew he promised Harry to not look at the new articles, but one or two wouldn't harm, would they?


After reading two, Louis wanted to see more. So he googled for new Haylor pictures.

They were kissing in a booth of a restaurant.

That made Louis insanely insecure and sad.

What if he's not enough? What if Harry doesn't love him anymore? What if Harry ran just after he got sex?

All these thoughts were running through Louis' head when tears started to flow.

He needed to let them out. But how?

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