Chapter 31

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Dedicated to AmericanRose2 because they're the best, always voting and commenting. Big thank you!


As the evening approached, the excitement in the air was palpable as the boys prepared for the New Year's Eve party. They all lived together in a cozy and spacious house, which had become their haven away from the prying eyes of the world. It was a place where they could relax, be themselves, and let their guards down.

In the midst of getting ready, Louis emerged from his bedroom, dressed in a stylish black suit that perfectly accentuated his lean figure. The moment Harry laid eyes on him, he was left speechless. His breath caught in his throat as he took in the sight of Louis looking incredibly handsome.

"Wow, Louis," Harry finally managed to say, his eyes wide with admiration. "You look absolutely stunning."

Louis blushed, tugging at the collar of his crisp white shirt. "You think so?" he asked, feeling a flutter of nervousness in his stomach.

Harry stepped closer, his eyes never leaving Louis's face. "I know so. You always look amazing, but tonight... You're breathtaking."

The rest of the boys, Liam, Zayn, and Niall, who were also getting ready in their respective rooms, entered the living room just in time to catch a glimpse of Louis in his dapper outfit. Their jaws dropped in unison, and they all showered Louis with compliments.

"Lou, you clean up so well!" Niall exclaimed, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder.

Zayn grinned, "Seriously, mate, you're going to turn heads tonight."

Louis chuckled modestly, "Thanks, guys. You're looking great too, by the way."

As they continued getting ready, laughter filled the air, and the house was abuzz with excitement. They exchanged jokes and teased each other as they put on their party attire.

Amidst the preparations, Harry and Louis exchanged knowing glances, their unspoken love shining brightly. Despite the constraints they faced in public, their connection remained strong, a silent reassurance that they were in this together.

With their outfits complete and final touches made, they gathered in the living room before heading to the party. The house was filled with the sweet scent of cologne and the anticipation of the night ahead.

"Shall we?" Harry said, extending his arm to Louis.

Louis took his arm with a smile, feeling the warmth of Harry's touch. "Let's do this."

As they made their way to the party venue, the excitement in the air grew. The venue was adorned with dazzling lights and decorations, setting the perfect backdrop for a night of celebration.

Throughout the party, Harry and Taylor played their stunt perfectly, as they had rehearsed multiple times before. While the world saw them as a couple, only their closest friends knew the truth about Harry and Louis.

Louis did his best to hide the feelings of jealousy and sadness that threatened to surface. He knew it was all pretend, but it didn't make it any easier to see Harry with someone else, even if it was just for show.

However, amidst the charade, Harry noticed the change in Louis's demeanor. He knew Louis so well, and he could see the hint of sadness in his eyes, even as he tried to put on a brave face.

Excusing himself from the crowd, Harry discreetly made his way to the rooftop, hoping that Louis would follow. It didn't take long for Louis to find him, their unspoken connection leading him to the secluded area.

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