Chapter 35

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Shorter chapter, but I have a double update for you guys <33

vote & comment, thank you!!


As the middle of January arrived, the anticipated tour scheduled to kick off in February was now just weeks away. But an unforeseen event threatened to disrupt their plans - Louis's hospitalization. For Harry, canceling the tour to be by Louis's side was a compelling option, driven by his deep love and concern for his partner's well-being.

The thought of leaving Louis during such a critical time felt unbearable to Harry, but it also meant leaving the rest of the band, their crew, and their fans in the lurch. The tour was a significant commitment, one that had been planned meticulously, and canceling it would have far-reaching consequences.

In the quiet hospital room, Harry looked at Louis with a mixture of concern and determination. He wanted to be by Louis's side, to take care of him and ensure that he was okay. But he also understood the weight of their commitment to their music and their fans.

"I can't just leave you here, Louis," Harry said, his voice filled with worry. "I want to be with you, to take care of you."

Louis reached out and gently squeezed Harry's hand. "I know, Haz," he replied, his eyes filled with love. "And I appreciate that more than you know. But ealso have a responsibility to the team and the fans."

Harry sighed, torn between his love for Louis and his dedication to their music. "I just don't want you to feel like you're alone in this," he admitted, his voice wavering.

Louis smiled softly, his heart swelling with love for Harry. "I don't feel alone, Harry," he said. "I have you, my family, and yours and that means everything to me. But I also know that you have a career and dreams to pursue."

Harry looked down at the floor, struggling to find the right words. "I don't want to choose between you and the tour," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Louis gently lifted Harry's chin, forcing him to meet his gaze. "You don't have to choose, love," he said firmly. "We'll figure this out together. We always do."

Harry's eyes filled with tears, touched by Louis's unwavering support. "I just wish there was another way," he said, his voice breaking.

Louis leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to Harry's forehead. "We'll find a way," he said, his voice filled with determination. "We'll get through this together, just like we always do."

In a heated conversation, Harry mustered the courage to confront Simon about the tour cancellation once more. "Simon, I know it's not an easy decision, but I can't bear the thought of leaving Louis right now," Harry began, his voice determined but shaky with emotion.

Simon, displaying an unexpected lack of empathy, retorted, "This is a career-altering tour, Harry! We've invested time, money, and effort into this. You can't just bail out because of personal issues."

"But it's not just personal issues!" Harry shot back, frustration bubbling within him. "Louis is my partner, and he's going through a difficult time. I can't prioritize my career over his well-being."

In a moment of disbelief, Simon's true colors shone through as he scoffed, "Oh, so it's about that, huh? You and your boyfriend's problems are affecting the whole band now?"

Harry's anger flared at the insensitive remark. "This isn't about problems; it's about compassion and love! You wouldn't understand because you don't care about anyone's feelings but your own damn profits!"

The room was thick with tension as the two engaged in a verbal battle. Simon's homophobic biases, hidden beneath the surface, now became glaringly evident. He tried to deflect the accusation, "This is about business, Harry, not personal beliefs!"

Harry, not backing down, shot back, "Your 'business' is built on people's talents and dreams, not on crushing them when they need support the most. I thought you were better than this."

Simon's face contorted with anger. "Don't you dare question me, Styles. I've made you, and I can break you just as easily!"

Harry, his heart pounding, replied fiercely, "I don't need you to make or break me. I have my music, my fans, and most importantly, my integrity. I won't let you or anyone else dictate my choices based on prejudice."

Despite Harry's determination and resolve, the heated conversation with Simon left him feeling defeated. Simon's influence and authority ultimately won the day, as he sternly asserted that canceling the tour was not an option. "You're letting personal feelings get in the way of your career," Simon said firmly. "This tour is bigger than just you and Louis. It's about the band and the fans who have supported you all this time. You can't cancel the tour and that's final."

Harry's heart sank, torn between his love for Louis and his commitment to the band and their loyal followers. As much as he wanted to prioritize his partner's well-being, he couldn't ignore the weight of the tour's significance and the impact it had on everyone involved.

In the days leading up to the tour, Harry found himself in a constant state of inner turmoil. He tried to keep a brave face for the rest of the band and their team, but his heart ached with the thought of leaving Louis in the hospital. He knew that he couldn't abandon the tour, but the guilt gnawed at him.

One evening, as the rest of the band gathered for a final rehearsal before the tour, Niall noticed the concern etched on Harry's face. "You alright, mate?" Niall asked, pulling Harry aside.

Harry tried to put on a smile, but it faltered, and he sighed heavily. "I just wish there was another way," he admitted, his voice filled with sadness. "I hate leaving Louis when he needs me the most."

Niall placed a comforting hand on Harry's shoulder. "I know, mate," he said, his voice gentle. "But you also have a responsibility to the band and the fans. We'll be here for you, and so will Louis. You'll get through this."

Harry nodded, grateful for Niall's understanding. "I just wish I could be in two places at once," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Meanwhile, Louis was doing his best to reassure Harry that he would be okay. "Go on the tour, Harry," Louis said, his voice soft but firm. "I'll be fine here. The doctors are taking good care of me."

Harry sat by Louis's bedside, his hand intertwined with Louis's. "I don't want to leave you," he admitted, his eyes glistening with tears. "But I also don't want to let everyone down."

Louis smiled weakly, reaching up to brush away a tear from Harry's cheek. "You can visit me during different legs of the tour. And you won't be letting anyone down, love," he said. "You have a job to do, and I know you'll do it brilliantly."

Harry leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to Louis's forehead. "I love you," he whispered. "I wish I could stay with you, but I also want to make you proud."

"You already make me proud every day," Louis replied, his voice filled with love. "I'll be waiting for you to come back, and we'll get through this together, just like we always do."


Lots of love

- Li

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