Chapter 34

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Double update again <3

TW: homobhobia

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The following Saturday, the weight of the hard diagnosis had settled heavily on Louis's shoulders, putting a shadow over the once warm and affectionate relationship he shared with Harry. As they sat together on the couch, there was an awkward silence that neither could quite break. Louis couldn't help but be distant and cold, his mind occupied with the fear of losing Harry when it gets tough. He knew he needed to share his emotions openly, but the vulnerability scared him.

"Harry," Louis finally mustered the courage to speak, "I... I'm sorry if I've been distant lately. It's just... this diagnosis, it's overwhelming, and I'm scared."

Harry reached out, gently placing a hand on Louis's trembling one, "You don't have to apologize, love. We're in this together, and I'm not going anywhere."

Tears welled up in Louis's eyes as he looked into Harry's reassuring gaze, "But what if it gets too hard? What if you can't handle it?"

Harry's grip tightened, pulling Louis closer, "We'll face it together, just like we've faced everything else. I love you, Louis, and nothing will change that."

A sense of relief washed over Louis as he finally let his guard down, embracing Harry tightly, "I love you too, Harry. Thank you for being here."

These simple yet heartfelt words provided some comfort to Louis, knowing he had Harry's unwavering support.

Sunday came with the hard task of informing Louis's family about his condition. They decided to gather in the living room and call Louis's family via FaceTime, knowing that it was important for them to be together as they shared the news. As the video call connected, the sight of their loved ones in tears on the other end made the situation feel even more real and overwhelming. Louis's parents and siblings looked shocked and devastated as they received the news of his diagnosis.

Lottie was particularly scared. Tears streamed down her face as she struggled to find the right words to say. "I can't believe this is happening," she choked out between sobs. "You've always been so strong and full of life. It's not fair."

Louis, holding back his own tears, tried to offer some comfort, "I know it's hard, Lottie. But we'll get through this together. I need you all to be strong for me, just like I'll be strong for you."

Lottie nodded, her voice trembling, "Of course, Louis. We're here for you, no matter what. We'll fight this together as a family."

The rest, still struggling to process the news, expressed their love and support through tearful messages on the screen. "We love you, Louis. We're going to do everything we can to support you," they said.

Louis's dad, trying to hold back his emotions, added, "You're not alone in this battle, son. We're right here with you."

As the conversation continued, tears were shed, and fears were expressed openly. But in the midst of the emotional turmoil, a sense of unity and love emerged. They knew that no matter how tough the journey ahead might be, they had each other to lean on. In that moment, they found strength in their shared determination to face the challenges together, as a family.

During this emotional day, Louis and Harry found solace in each other's arms, cuddling and seeking comfort in their shared embrace. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Harry," Louis whispered, tears welling up in his eyes. "You're my rock, and I love you so much."

"I love you too, Louis," Harry replied, his voice tender as he kissed Louis's forehead. "We're in this together, remember? I won't leave your side."

Later, with a heavy heart, Louis made the difficult call to his university to inform them about his condition. As he spoke to the staff, he couldn't help but choke up. "I'm sorry for the sudden notice, but I've been diagnosed with cancer, and I'll need to take some time off for treatment."

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