Chapter 42

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The next morning, Harry woke up to the familiar smell of his own home. But soon enough, the memories of yesterday came flooding back, making him cry again. It all was just too much.

Anne, the loving and caring mother took care of her son, her baby though. She knew how deeply Harry loved Louis and understood the pain he was going through.

They silently ate breakfast together, Anne just rubbing Harry's back in comfort. Harry was glad that she was there. He wouldn't know what to do without his mom and he admired Louis often for that.

As if Louis knew that Harry was thinking about him, he sent a text.

'Hey Haz, I read the news. Are you okay and why weren't you at your show yesterday? I love you and please call as soon as you can, Lou xx'

"I gotta call Lou, mom, he's worried." Harry informed Anne in barely a whisper. Anne only nodded and let him do that.

"Hey baby, are you okay?? Where are you??" Louis worried voice rang through the phone.

"I'm okay.." Harry said, his voice rough from all the crying.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked, wanting to sound strong. But he was just as broken as Harry. Chemo was hard and the distance to Harry is difficult too.

"I'm at my mom's. Everything is just too much." Harry explained and started to cry again.

"No baby, I don't want to be the reason you're like this" Louis mumbled. He felt so bad. Why did Harry choose him anyways?!

The conversation with Louis was both comforting and heartbreaking for Harry. He knew that he couldn't hide his pain from Louis, but he also didn't want to burden him with the full extent of his emotions. "I just need some time with my mom," Harry reassured, sniffling softly. "I'll visit you in the hospital soon, I promise."

Louis's voice was filled with understanding and love. "Take all the time you need, Haz," he said gently. "I want you to take care of yourself too. I'll be here, waiting for you."

Harry smiled weakly, grateful for Louis's unwavering support. "I love you," he said, his voice choked with emotion.

"I love you too," Louis replied, his voice equally emotional. "Remember that we're in this together, okay? We'll get through this, just like we always do."

As Harry ended the call, he felt a mix of emotions. He was grateful for Louis's love and understanding, but he also couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness and guilt. He knew he needed to find a way to cope with his emotions and fears, but it seemed like an impossible task.

As they sat together in the cozy living room, Anne could see the toll that the situation was taking on Harry. His eyes were red and swollen from crying, and his usual vibrant energy seemed to have dimmed. She couldn't bear to see him that broken, and she knew that something had to change.

Anne could see the turmoil in her son's eyes and knew that he needed her support now more than ever. "Harry," she said gently, reaching out to hold his hand, "I know this is incredibly hard for you, but you can't keep suffering like this. It's time to take a stand and do what feels right for both you and Louis."

Harry nodded, his eyes welling up with tears. "I just don't know what to do, Mum," he admitted, his voice trembling. "I love Louis so much, and I hate being away from him while he's going through all of this. But I also don't want to let the rest of the boys down or disappoint the fans."

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