Chapter 18

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I'm writing this on my balcony in the sun and it's nice. It's like 7°C (it's February) but it's warm in the sun :)) (although I hate the summer hahahah)

Have fun reading! Comment and vote <33


They took a different way back, Louis wanting to show Harry something else.

"Where are we going?" Harry asked confused when they took a turn.

"I want to show you the place I always went to when I needed to think. Even before she passed away." Louis explained and took another turn.

"Ok, right here around the corner down the street." Louis said.

Soon they arrived and Harry just stood there in awe when he saw where they were.

In front of him was a beautiful field of dahlias.

The colours red, pink, and white were glowing beautifully in the light of the sun that was setting. It was beautiful.

"Wow..." Harry breathed out, "Beautiful."

"C'mon, I'll show you the bench I used to sit on. Nobody is there." Louis said and grabbed Harry by the arm.

When they arrived, they sat down and cuddled closer.

"I love you." Harry whispered.

It was so romantic. Beautiful flowers, a sunset, a bench, nobody around, no worries, everything was perfect.

"I love you too, now kiss me please. I can't survive without them." Louis said and puckered his lips.

Harry chuckled but obliged and leant in.

Soon they met in a slow, emotional kiss, lips moving against each other.

Harry tried to tell Louis everything he was feeling through that kiss. How proud he was. And how much he loved the smaller boy.

Louis definitely felt that and kissed back the same.

With a smile they pulled away.

"Let's go back." Harry whispered and stood up.

On Sunday morning after many hugs, tears, and promises to visit again soon, they drove off to Holmes Chapel.

The drive wasn't that long, only about two hours. They took a short break at a petrol station somewhere in the middle of nowhere where no fans should be.

After they got something to drink and filled the car with petrol, they continued their drive.

Harry noticed how quiet Louis got when they neared his hometown.

"You alright?" Harry asked as he put a hand on Louis' thigh.

"Yup. 'm fine" Louis answered, clearly lying.

"Lou, I know you, you're not. What's wrong?" Harry asked, concerned now.

At that, Louis let a tear slip. Harry pulled over the second he saw and reached over to hug Louis as good as he could.

"I'm just scared they won't accept me. I'm nobody, Harry. You could have anybody in the world!" Louis said upset.

"I know Lou, but I chose YOU! You make me so so so happy. They'll love you just because of that! I love you and my family will do the same. There is nothing to worry about, ok?" Harry reassured.

They just cuddled in the car in silence for a few minutes until Harry broke the silence.

"You ok now? It's gonna be good." Harry said and untangled himself to drive off again.

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