Chapter 43

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The news of Harry and Louis' coming out sent shockwaves throughout the entertainment industry. It was a moment of triumph and courage that resonated deeply with their fans and supporters worldwide. The media frenzy surrounding their revelation was unprecedented, and news outlets from every corner of the globe covered the heart-warming story of love and resilience.

Fans and well-wishers flooded their social media timelines with messages of love and support for Louis as he bravely fought his battle with cancer. The outpouring of love was overwhelming, and Harry and Louis were deeply moved by the outpouring of affection from their fans. They read through every message, each heartfelt word serving as a source of strength and motivation during the most challenging times of their lives.

Their social media platforms became a virtual sanctuary of positivity and hope, with fans sharing their own stories of overcoming hardships, and expressing their admiration for the couple's love and bravery. The hashtags #StrongLou and #HarryAndLouis quickly became trending topics, uniting millions of people who were inspired by the couple's unyielding bond.

As the media circus continued, journalists were eager to know about the status of the One Direction tour. Questions were raised about how the band would continue, but the management remained tight-lipped, refusing to comment on the matter.

Meanwhile, Harry and the rest of the boys were called into a meeting with their management, led by Simon. The atmosphere was tense as they all gathered in a conference room. Simon's face was red with anger, and he wasted no time in expressing his frustration. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!" he bellowed, pointing at the now-infamous Instagram post.

Harry's voice was steady but firm as he responded, "They have to know, Simon. Louis is going through hell right now, and he deserves the world to know what an incredible fighter he is."

Simon's anger only intensified, demanding that Harry delete the post and arrange a public paparazzi-filled walk with Taylor the next day to shift the focus away from the news.

But Harry refused to back down. "No, Simon," he said, his voice unwavering. "I won't erase our love, and I won't hide anymore. Louis deserves better than that."

The meeting escalated into a heated argument, with Harry, Liam, Niall, and Zayn all voicing their support for Harry's decision to come out and their concerns for Louis's well-being. Simon was adamant about continuing the tour, but the boys were not backing down.

"Simon, it's enough," Anne interjected, her voice stern and resolute. "I'm his mother, and I know when something is too much for my son. So please, for the love of God, cancel the rest of the tour. It's breaking him."

Anne's words carried immense weight, and the room fell silent for a moment. The boys were hurting too, not only because Harry was a mess but also because Louis was their friend, and they couldn't bear to see him suffer.

"MY GOD! THEN WE'LL JUST FUCKING DO IT!!!" Simon finally relented, throwing his hands up in exasperation. "But this better not affect your careers!"

Tears streamed down Harry's cheeks, intermingling with a mixture of emotions that he could hardly put into words. "THANK YOU!!" Harry said loudly, falling back into his mother arms.

Relief, love, and a profound sense of unity overwhelmed him as he looked around the room at his bandmates, all shedding a few tears of their own. Their emotions were raw and unfiltered, their hearts laid bare for each other to see.

(a/n: I know I've mainly written about Harry's mental health, but it was very hard for the rest as well, as Louis is their friend too hahaha but I focused on Larry for the most part because it's a Larry-fanfic)

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