Other people's success isn't your failure

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Inspired by the quote: Other people's success isn't your failure - Christian Borle

I'm bored - SH

I'm sure you have John to occupy your mind - MH

He's out and what the hell are you suggesting! - SH

Nothing - MH

How come you're never bored? I mean, we are related - SH

I have recently been doing some knitting. It's quite relaxing, brother mine - MH

Is "knitting" a code name for Gavin by any chance? - SH

Gavin? - MH

You know, Lestrade - SH

His name is Gregory and no it is not a "code name" - MH

You sure? - SH

I'm quite sure. Why did you text me because I'm sure you didn't text me for a "catch up" or whatever other people call whatever this is? - MH

Very observant, Mycroft. You should be the British Government with how smart you are. Oh wait, you already are - SH

Sacarsm will get you nowhere, brother mine - MH

I recently had a conversation with mummy - SH

You did? What was this conversation about? - MH

Many things but she said, and this is a direct quote, "you could have been many things, Sherlock, but you ended up as a detective" and I can't stop thinking about it - SH

I understand - MH

I don't think you do. The pain in her voice was unbearable to listen to. All I ever did was to try please my parents but I seem to be a disappointment to them - SH

Sherlock, you are many things but you are not a disappointment - MH

You're literally the British Government. You know nothing about disappointment - SH

I'm not the British Government, I just play a minor part in the British Government. I know way more than you think about disappointment - MH

Whatever. I'm not listening - SH

I know you will listen to me when I say this because I don't say this often - MH

Go on - SH

I've been meaning to say this for a long time but I haven't found the "right time" to tell you this. I'm proud of you, Sherlock. I always have been - MH

At least someone is proud of me - SH

I understand that you could have had a better job than a detective who solves crime as an alternative to getting high and there are other people who are, with no offence to those people, less smarter than you with better jobs than you. However, other people's success isn't your failure, brother mine - MH

Thank you, Mycroft - SH

Happy to help - MH

You're still really annoying though - SH

The feeling is returned - MH

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