Carnival fun

188 7 5

Is there any room in Rosie's bedroom? - SH

No, her room is just a bunch of teddies at this pont. You can't even see the bedroom floor - JW

There might be a slight problem then - SH

What problem? Sherlock, what have you done? - JW

I haven't done anything, John. How dare you suggest such a thing! - SH

Sherlock, just tell me - JW

We're coming home soon. Be patient, my dear Watson - SH

You have 3 massive teddies! I dread to think how much it cost - JW

Only £75 - SH

Only?! - JW

But John, in my defence, we were at the carnival when Rosie saw them and wanted them so you can't be mad at her - SH

I'm not mad. It's just that I sent you out to get some milk and butter and you return with 3 massive teddies - JW

I knew I forgot something - SH


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