That time of the month

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Dad? - Rosie

Yes, sweetheart? - JW

I'm bleeding - Rosie

How much? - JW

A lot - Rosie

Where are you? - JW

In the bathroom - Rosie

Rosie, let me in - JW

No - Rosie

Rosie, you're bleeding a lot and you could be in danger if I don't stop the bleeding in time so please let me in - JW

No - Rosie

Rosie, please - JW

No - Rosie

Well, where are you bleeding from? - JW

My private area - Rosie

Oh, is it that time of the month? - JW

Umm... yes - Rosie

Is it your first one? - JW

Yes - Rosie

Right. So, what do you need? - JW

I'm not really sure - Rosie

Pads, John. She needs pads. I heard that they are easier to use for when it's your first time - SH

I'll go get them. Which ones does she need? - JW

I'll go get them. I think she needs her dad right now anyway - SH

Okay, is there anything I can do? - JW

John, you stay with Rosie and make sure she's alright - SH

That I can do - JW

Rosie, I'll get some stuff for you, including chocolate - SH

Thanks, papa. You're the best - Rosie

You're welcome, kiddo - SH

And thanks, dad, for trying - Rosie

No problem, sweetheart - JW

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