
137 6 8

Sherlock = 16 years old
John = 16 years old
And they're both trans guys but neither of them are on testosterone yet tho.
They're also dating <3
PS: I'm a trans guy but I know nothing about makeup

What the hell are you wearing? - JW

Makeup - SH

I can see that but why? - JW

I wanted to see what I would look like with stubble. Is it really that noticeable? - SH

Yes, unfortunately. Do you want me to help you make it look more realistic? - JW

So you're the makeup artist now? - SH

No, but I've had some experience - JW

When? Why haven't you told me about this? - SH

I wear it literally everyday, you just haven't noticed. I have makeup on right now - JW

Really? It looks so natural - SH

I'm talking about this stubble, not my whole face - JW

So the wrinkles are real? - SH

Shut up, I'm only 6 months older than you - JW

So, do you want my help or not? - JW

Of course I do - SH

[30 minutes later]

So, what do you think? - JW

I love it! - SH

I'm glad you like it - JW

Thankyou so much - SH

Happy to help - JW

Woah, don't kiss me too much or the makeup will smudge - JW

Don't care - SH

Well, I do. It took me 30 minutes and that's only cause you wouldn't sit still - JW

Don't be like that, John, you know you love me - SH

I know, I love you very much - JW

So one more kiss wouldn't hurt, would it? - SH

No, I don't think it would - JW

I love you, my love - SH

I love you too, babe - JW

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