Never have I ever

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So if I have done the thing I have to drink? - SH

Yes - JW

That's how the game is played - GL

Fine, let's get this over with - MH

I'll go first, never have I ever lost my virginity - JW

🍷- JW

🍷- GL

🍷- SH

🍷- MH

Mycroft, you've had sex?! - SH

I was about to you ask you the same question, William Sherlock Scott Holmes! - MH

Anyway, never have I ever kissed anyone in this room - MH

🍷- MH

🍷- GL

🍷- SH

🍷- JW

Aww, you guys make the cutest couple. Well, me and John are the cutest couple so I guess that makes you the second cutest couple - SH

Thankyou for that, brother mine - MH

You guys are getting serious - JW

Shut up, John - GL

Never :) - JW

Never have I ever got back with an ex - SH

🍷- MH

Myc, you've got back with an ex! - GL

It's not my fault he was super attractive - MH

No, but it's your fault that you're super dumb - SH

Hey! - MH

Whatever 🙄 - SH

Never have I ever been proposed to - GL

Wait, Greg why are you getting down on one knee? - MH

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Of course I'll marry you - MH

I love you so much, Myc - GL

I love you too, Gregory - MH

Get a room! - SH

Let them be happy, Sherlock - JW

Congratulations guys! - JW

Congratulations, brother mine and Graham - SH

Thankyou and it's Greg - GL

Whatever you say George - SH

I think this calls for a celebration. Wine anyone? - JW

I wouldn't object to a glass of wine - MH

Me neither - GL

To the happy couple🍷- JW

To the happy couple🍷 - SH

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