I love you too

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I love you - JW

I know - SH

Babe, I love you - JW

I know - SH

Sherlock, listen to me - JW

I am - SH

I said 'I love you' - JW

And I said 'I know' - SH

Do you even love me? - JW

John, stop asking stupid questions. You know that I do - SH

Then why do you never say I love you back? - JW

Oh, that's what I'm suppose to text back. I wondered why you kept repeating yourself - SH

Of course that's what you're suppose to text back!! - JW

I didn't know - SH

Why do you text 'I know' instead of 'I love you' everytime I tell you that I love you then? - JW

Because I know that you love me without you even saying 'I love you' so I thought that you'd be able to tell that I love you too by my actions - SH

Why do you mean by your actions? - JW

I've cut down on the number of limbs I have in the fridge per week. I've memorised how you like your tea and coffee. Everytime I walk past you and I see that you're feeling a bit down I kiss you on the forehead just to see a little smile place itself on your face. You even have your own space in my mind palace. I do all that because I love you - SH

I guess I never thought of it like that before. It would still be nice if you could say I love you back though - JW

And I guess I never knew you needed the affirmation that I love you back but I'll make sure to tell you more often - SH

Thank you, babe - JW

You're welcome, my dear Watson - SH

I love you - JW

I love you too - SH

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