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Let me check your temperature - JW

No, I'm fine - SH

Stop squirming! I'm just taking your temperature, it's not like I'm murdering you. It doesn't even hurt - JW

Yes, it does! - SH

No, it doesn't. Stop being a baby - JW

No! - SH

I've done, you can stop pouting now - JW

☹ - SH

Looks like you have a fever, Sherlock. I'm going to have to tell Lestrade to not give us any cases for a few days - JW

No, John, don't! - SH

Holy shit, Sherlock. Are you okay? - JW

I'm fine, John - SH

You just threw yourself onto the floor, I don't think you're fine - JW

Well, you were going to cancel our cases! - SH

Only because you're not healthy enough to go on a case and I'm saying that as your doctor - JW

Fine! - SH

Don't sulk, if anything, this is a good thing - JW

How is this a good thing? - SH

It means that you'll be at home with me more - JW

But you have to work - SH

I'll phone in sick, someone has to take care of you - JW

But you're not sick, you'd be lying - SH

I'd probably get sick off of you if I spend the next few days by your side anyway and most people lie about that sort of stuff - JW

When you get sick I will take care of you, my dear Watson - JW

Thank you but for now I will take care of you. Soup? - JW

Soup please, my handsome doctor - SH

Soup coming right up, my handsome patient - JW

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